Frequent Questions about HiPP Formula
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The content on this site is for reference purposes and is not intended to substitute for advice given by a physician, pharmacist, or other licensed health-care professional.
I recently purchased Hipp Stage 1 formula and am excited to try it. To prepare it I have boiled a kettle of water, let it cool for approximately 30 minutes, and then mixed in the appropriate amount of powder. My question relates to the fact that I have read lots of articles stating that the powdered formula itself is not sterile; how does boiling the water and then letting it cool address this? I do understand that preparing the formula with boiling water is not advised as it will kill the beneficial properties, but I am confused by the literature about doing everything one can to prevent bacteria/illness that stems from a contaminated powder.
Hi, thank you for the question. It can be confusing, but boiling the water and letting it set is only treating the water, not the powder. And most often boiling water is really not necessary. We have a detailed page about preparing the formula if you click on the link “PREPARATION” in the top menu. This will give you a full explanation about when boiled water is needed and the risk for harmful bacteria in all baby formulas.
So is boiling necessary….I’m using purified bottle water? My 4 week old is really hungry and it’s hard to wait until water is cooled down to feed him. I’ve been following these instructions but 30 minutes is long! I’m also using the organic infant hungry formula.
Hi, thank you for the message. We have a very detailed page answering your question in our menu bar under PREPARATION. Additionally, you can pre-mix the formula if you like and store it in the refrigerator for use. The time intervals for storage are on our PREPARATION page as well.
Hello, can hipp goodnight jars can be replaced instead of the bottle milk at night ? My baby is 8 months and having it at 7 pm which is helping her sleep through the night
Please advise
Hi, thanks for the question. Good Nigh Milk can certainly replace one feeding, however HiPP recommends that it only be used once a day.
Hello, I am interested in purchasing your formula. Because I do not know if I will be formula feeding or breast feeding, can you please provide me some options in terms of # of boxes/cans that need to be ordered?
Thank you for your time!
Hi, the best thing to do is to have a box on hand to make sure you are good to go when you make the decision. One box will last a newborn roughly 2.5 weeks.
Is there a difference in the Germany vs UK formulation? Also, I’ve read about issues with the aluminum in the formula. Can you provide details this?
Thank you for your question. Yes, there is a substantial difference between the German and UK formulation. The German Bio line of HiPP is similar to the Combiotic line but is a slightly different formulation with no prebiotics and no probiotics. The Bio line contains starch solids, whereas the Combiotic line (at least the British formulation) does not. The British version of HiPP contains NO STARCHES, which is why we feel it is the gold standard.
The German Bio Combiotik version also contains starch solids. You can view the actual panel of Bio Combiotik on our websiteAT THIS LINK.
Regarding the news articles on aluminum content in infant milks, please go to the article we have authored on the subject:
Hi, just wondering why starch in the formula may be less desirable. Do you have any links I can read on the topic? Thank you!
Hi, thank you for the question. Certainly, starch is not harmful in any way. It is just not a necessary component of infant milk. There are many studies on how glucose consumption affects insulin levels, but none would be relevant here. Simply, the best infant milk is that closest to the composition of breastmilk, which does not contain starch solids.
The German Bio line contains NO corn starch. It has 100% lactose sugar for carbohydrates….unless they changed the formula in the last 6 months. Where did you get this information?
Hi, actually is is the UK version that does not contain starch. The standard German Bio formula contains corn starch. Most of HiPP’s formulations contain starch, making the UK version unique in this regard.
I’m sorry you are correct. Do you know what quantity of corn starch is used? Is it just a thickening agent or are they using it to replace carbohydrates that would normally be in the form of lactose? We have given our now 8 month old both the UK and the German versions. Originally, she had the German version. We haven’t noticed too much difference between the two.
Hi , i just bought the hipp bio combiotik german version , can I add more probiotics to this formula if I wanted to or one should not add more probiotics given the formula already has some ?
Hi, thank you for your question. An additional probiotic supplement will not have any adverse effect to the use of the formula. If you are using the German version of HiPP, this will contain Lactobacillus Fermentum. There are many probiotics, and all have different functions, although the science is still catching up on their roles. The HiPP probiotic is the same strain of Lactobacillus that is contained in breastmilk.
I would like to order two boxes of the hipp formula for my new born coming in May. How long does shipment take?
Hi, shipping from BritishSuperStores generally takes 3-4 days and an extra day for handling if necessary. If you place an order on a Friday, however, your order will go out the next business day (Monday). Thank you!
Curious about making a big batch of Hipp in the Dr. Browns pitcher. This might be a silly question, but if I fill the pitcher with 28 oz of water, would I add 28 scoops of Hipp before mixing? Thanks!
Hi, yes indeed. Make sure you fill with water first and then add the formula to ensure your ratio is accurate.
On box it says not to make big batches in advance, but our day are requires we provide prepared bottles. With other formulas, prepared batches last 24 hours. Is it the same with HIPP. Based I response here to lady using Dr. Brown’s mixer (which we use too) seems to be ok but want to confirm.
Hi, the manufacturer’s directions comply with the requirements in place by the FSA (Food Standards Agency) Health Department of the UK for labeling infant milk. It is always best practice to mix your formula freshly, however HiPP can be mixed in advance. If you have to mix in advance, take precautions to ensure your preparation area is very clean and your pitcher and bottles have been sterilized. It may be more difficult to pour the water first, and then add the scoops, but this will give you the most accurate measurement of your formula–and this becomes more important as you mix larger batches.
How many ounces of prepared formula does each box make total?
Hi, thanks for the question. There are roughly 186 scoops of formula in the box (total for both pouches). HiPP is a 1-1 ratio with water, making you roughly 186oz of prepared formula, so about 23 bottles (8oz bottles).
The stage 2 has a bigger scooper. Is it still 1-1. If so, how many ounces of formula would tit now make.
Hi, thanks for the message. Yes that’s correct, the scoop has a higher gram weight for Stage 2 but the ratio is still 1:1 when mixing according to instructions.
where is the SHOP HIPP link? i don’t see it.
we are definitely interested in ordering when the shopping site is up and running, please let us know when it is, thanks!
Hi, thanks for the message. We have added a Buy HiPP link to the menu in case your browser can’t see the Shop button on the sidebar.
I’m interested in ordering HIPP stage 1 for my baby. Would the product be that of UK or Germany? Thanks!
Hi, British Superstores provides the British formulation of the product. Thanks!
I am wondering if HIPP has made any changes in the past year to minimize the aluminum content in their formula? A 2013 study indicated that high aluminum content in HIPP formula is a concern. I am looking for a good quality organic formula, and HIPP seems great for its nutritional content. But the aluminum level has me concerned.
We reviewed this issue in depth, contacted the study authors, and just wrote up a very detailed white paper on the aluminum content and the study that unfortunately was responsible for scaring parents into believing there is a health risk. You can read it here: Essentially, not only is there no confirmed health risk, the study cannot confirm the validity of the results. We also have HiPP’s official statement on the matter.
I bought a “Formula Pro” machine by Baby Brezza. What is the setting please for the “first infant milk” formula?
Thank you.
Hi, it doesn’t appear that Baby Brezza has an insert setting for HiPP, but looking at the selection chart, it appears the Brezza would work best with an insert #5 in comparing it’s consistency with the other US brands. If you’ve had success with another inset, please share!
Brezza customer support says that Hipp 1 -setting five, which worked just fine, but for hungry infant they suggest setting 9 but it diesnt seem to work ! Help please!
Thanks for the question. We’ve had a few parents ask about Brezza and yes, setting 5 is what matches with HiPP Stage 1 looking at their formula manual. The Hungry Infant isn’t substantially different than Stage 1 so try a lower setting which should work.
Hi, So which exact setting would you suggest for the Hungry Infant formula?
Hi, Baby Brezza does not have a suggestion for the European milks, but according to their charts and comparing to US formulas, it appears that insert 5 would be used. Make sure you measure exactly with the machine just as you would mixing a bottle by hand. Baby Brezza can clog and can change the ratio, making your formula watery. Also remember that HiPP does not contain artificial emulsifiers, and since the Hungry Infant is a bit thicker, you might find it clumpier to mix in the Brezza. It’s always important to mix formula as precisely as possible and while these machines are a great concept, they can be prone to error. Thanks for the question!
Hi, would setting #5 on the Baby Brezza work for Hipp Stage 2 and 3 formulas as well?
I heard that every food that comes to US go through X-RAY and which might not be safe for infants to consume. Does Hipp products go through X-RAY? Could you please provide your comments on safety of the product
Hi, thank you for the question. It seems that a lot of parents are reading the same blogs online. We’ve received this question several times but have not been able to determine the actual source of the information other than anecdotal variations on the web. If you have any light to share on actual literature, please send it our way so we can review it. We are always looking intensely at research and so far the empirical evidence suggests that the x-rays do not get retained by foods at these low levels of exposure.
Regarding radiation itself, the process of food irradiation is very different than cabinet radiation which happens under the security scanner (like at the airport). They vary in levels of exposure by an order of magnitude. We cannot say whether your specific package or not went through the cabinet, but we can provide source information regarding the radiation issue.
The United States Food & Drug provides the following information.
Q8: Is it safe to eat food, drink beverages, use medicine, or apply cosmetics if any of these products have gone through a cabinet x-ray system?
A8: There are no known adverse effects from eating food, drinking beverages, using medicine, or applying cosmetics that have been irradiated by a cabinet x ray system used for security screening.
The radiation dose typically received by objects scanned by a cabinet x-ray system is 1 millirad or less. The average dose rate from background radiation is 360 millirad per year. The minimum dose used in food irradiation for food preservation or destruction of parasites or pathogens is 30,000 rad.
For more detailed information on radiation used for food inspection or food treatment, see Title 21 CFR 179.
The UK Food Standards Agency agrees with the US:
Is it safe to eat food that has been through a X-ray scanner, for example at airports?
Yes, it is. X-ray scanners used at airports for baggage control operate at very much lower energy and give rise to radiation levels very much lower than radiation sources used in food irradiation facilities. The radiation doses used to process food can be as high as 10,000 gray, whilst X-ray scanners operate at less than 0.5 gray. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to detect changes to food once it has been through an X-ray scanner.
The Food Irradiation Regulations 2009 specifically excludes X-ray surveillance devices which impart a radiation dose of less than 0.5 gray and operate at less than a maximum energy of 10 MeV (for example the ones used in ports and airports, which would include those used for commercial cargo). If the devices operate above these levels, they fall within the scope of food irradiation legislation, but the FSA is not aware of any devices currently in use which do exceed these limits. In fact many of these X-ray machines (at airports for example) operate at such a low dose that they don’t affect photographic film.
The Journal of the American Medical Association published an article(1) on the subject of x-ray machines for airport security that contains the following:
Will the x-ray examination of medicines inactivate them? No, nor will these levels of radiation affect food.
The Health Physics Society addressed the issue in one of their “Ask the Experts” columns:
Answer to Question #6115 Submitted to “Ask the Experts”
Category: Security Screening
The following question was answered by an expert in the appropriate field:
Q If I place my breakfast, lunch, snacks, and water into the x-ray screening machine at work, is this safe when I will need to do this five times a week, times 52 weeks a year, for the next 25 years? What long-term effects could this have?
A Thank you for your question. Sending food items through a screening machine, whether at the airport or in your workplace, will not do anything to the food and the food will not contain radioactivity after it passes through the x rays. There are no short-term or long-term effects on the food or for you.
Hi. I received my formula yesterday and made sure to follow the instructions for preparation precisely. However, when I mixed 7 scoops of powder into 7oz of water the end result was a volume greater than 7oz. Am I doing something wrong or is that amount accurate since the added powder raised the total amount in the bottle to approximately 8oz or so? Thanks, in advance!
Hi, thanks so much for the good question. You are doing it exactly right! Your mixture (formula plus water) should exceed the 7oz line on the bottle. It should look like 8+ oz after shaking. If you have 7oz or less when you look at the bottle after making it…you likely didn’t put in enough water–or alternately didn’t measure in enough formula.
If my baby doesn’t finish their bottle can I use the leftover amount for the next feeding? If yes, should the leftover be stored in the fridge or can it be left at room temperature? Would I then be able reheat the remaining formula again before feeding? Thank you.
Hi, thank you for the question. You can use a room-temperature prepared bottle of formula for up to 2 hours outside of refrigeration. If you have just mixed the formula, have some left over after a feeding and immediately refrigerate, it can stay out up to 2-3 hours when you take it out (roughly the same). Essentially, once the formula warms up to room temperature, you have 2 hours for its use. As parents, of course, we don’t always follow these things exactly, but that’s the recommendation.
Yes, you could also reheat a refrigerated formula with no problems. If you check out the “PREPARATION” button on the site, at the very bottom of the page we have a breakdown of the hour intervals for room-temperature vs. refrigeration.
How long after a feeding can the bottle of formula be kept in the fridge before it’s not safe to reuse again?
What is the shelf life for Hipp Combiotic Stage 1? I’m not due for a few more months but planned on ordering fairly soon. What is the time frame for shipping to Ohio? I’ve read that some people add pre/probiotics. Would you recommend this and if so does Hipp make this?
Hi, thank you for the question. BritishSuperstores sells the freshest HiPP, the same batches that are found on the shelf in the UK at the time you purchase. So the expiration is well into 2016.
Our four month old has been exclusively breastfed and we are considering supplementing with formula soon. We are shopping around for the right product. Do you provide samples or can you make a recommendation for a good formula to begin with?
Hi, thanks for your message. If you contact British Superstores directly, they might be able to assist with finding a way to try the formula. 1 box lasts a newborn about 2 weeks.
Hello, I am planning on switching my 3 month old boy from Enfamil to Hipp next week and I was wondering about the following: I have purchased both Milk 1 and 2 (Hungry Baby) because he still feeds 7-9 times in 24 period, including 3 times overnight/early AM. Can I use Milk 1 during the day and Milk 2 overnight or should I first use the Milk 1 I have and then move over to Milk 2? Also – is there a special way of moving him over, such as one bottle a day? Any other recommendations? And last question: do you plan on importing the liquid formula in the cartons or just powder for now?
Hi, thank you for your message. Because you are switching brands, you would want to start your little one off on just Stage 1, making a few transitional bottles over the course of the first day with Enfamil. Frequent feedings at 3 months is very normal, as well as eating during the night. Once you know that he is good with HiPP, you can supplement with Stage 2 for nighttime feedings or an early evening bottle of Stage 2. If he seems more satisfied with Stage 2, you can indeed switch completely to Stage 2.
Stage 2 can serve as his formula until the age of 1–or you can move to Stage 3 after 6 months of age. There is also a Good Night Milk that can be used once he is 6 months old. It contains organic cereal as well as formula and is a richer drink before going to bed. One bottle of this right before retiring can help with the night feedings. Nighttime feeding is a bit tricky to wean. Parents tend to have more success doing this earlier than later. A long feeding before bed can help with this, as well as a pacifier and being close to your body for soothing measures.
We can look into having the liquid formula packs available, but generally the powder tends to be easier to use.
I am about to place an order and realize the product expiration date is not specified. How do I know the approximate expiration date of the formula I will be receiving so I don’t overstock them? Thanks!
Hi, thank you for your message. The batch number and expiration dates are on the packages themselves. Expiration depends on the date of production, so this varies with each batch created. HiPP formula generally has about a 1 year expiration.
Hi there. For a 3 month old that drinks 6 oz each feeding, will an 800g stage 1 last 2 weeks or less?
Also when using the scoop, do we fill the scoop to the top and level it or to the line that is inside the scoop?
Hi, thank you for your message. The box should last just about 2 weeks, perhaps slightly less depending on the number of feedings. It’s good to keep about 4 boxes around.
With the scoop, you will want to level the scoop literally at the top of it. The absolute perfect measurement would be to scoop into the formula and then use a butter knife to level off the formula. Leveling against the side of the box or a bin is alright but not quite as accurate since you are compacting the formula in that motion. It’s always good to make one “perfect” bottle so you can see with your eyes what the volume should approximate.
My baby is almost 9 months old. I started breastfeeding from birth to 6 months. He’s been on Earth’s Best Sensitive formula from 6 months beyond since I no longer have breastmilk. He’s been having issues with constipation, so we wanted to try a new formula Here are my questions:
1. Do you have smaller packs/samples for purchase; that way we are not stuck with such a large amount if my baby rejects the formula?
2. Other than the bulk discount, do you have any other discount offers, coupons or frequent purchase discounts?
3. Since my baby is almost 9 months and has been on a different brand formula since 6 months, what stage do you recommend I purchase? He currently drinks between 24 – 30 ounces of milk each day accompanied with pureed fruits/vegetables three time per day.
4. HIPP formula has a lower iron content. Should I supplement the iron?
5. Does HIPP formula have ARA?
Thanks for assisting me with the answers to my questions.
Thank you for your message. Regarding which stage to start with, we will always recommend starting with Stage 1. It is nutritionally complete, and the closest formulation to breastmilk. It dissolves easily in the bottle and is really the mainstay formula of the Combiotic line. Even if your baby is at 6 months, you want to start with Stage 1. It may be all she needs. Stage 3 is calorically higher and does not contain the DHA fish oils. The DHA and ARA are organically derived, but they are only added to the Stage 1 and Hungry Infant formula.
Regarding iron, we don’t know all the political details regarding the recent iron fortification of baby formulas in the US, but the Food Standards Agency of the UK as well as the other western European countries have a difference of opinion on how much iron is needed, how much iron is actually absorbed, and how much is appropriate. In fact, there are studies on the opposite side of the argument, indicating that too much iron is not good for babies. We know as parents that an excessive iron content can lead to colic and constipation. The best thing to do is check with your Dr, and then trust your gut.
Keep in mind, HiPP has been feeding babies for longer than most US brands have existed.
The DHA and ARA added. What does organically processed mean? Do you use algae and fungi with Hexane? How is it processed? What is the source ?
Hi, thank you for your comment. If you go to the page “About the HiPP Company,” you can read about the process that is involved from the raw materials stage to production of HiPP products. HiPP Infant milks use natural sources of DHA and ARA, derived from fish oils. You can read in more detail about DHA and ARA on HiPP’s healthcare site.
Hi, i have been giving the hipp stage 1 since she’s 3 months, now she’s 14 months and I was wondering if you guys have formula for her age? And where can i buy it?
Hi, thank you for your question. Yes, you would want to purchase HiPP’s Growing Up formula (Stage 4, but soon becoming Stage 3 as HiPP has rebranded their boxes recently). We usually have this in stock, however since we sell much less of this, it is good to let us know if you require it and we can make sure we have it available for you.
whats the difference between the UK Formula Vs The German Formula.?
Thank you for your question. The German Bio line of HiPP is similar to the Combiotic line but is a slightly different formulation with no prebiotics and no probiotics. The Bio line contains starch solids, whereas the Combiotic line (at least the British formulation) does not. The British Combiotic line is really a gold-standard formula. Because it contains no startch, infants have no constipation issues with this line of HiPP–if anything, it helps with constipation and colic for many parents.
The German Bio Combiotik version also contains starch solids, despite some online retailers removing this from their translation of the ingredients. You can view the actual panel of Bio Combiotik on our website. There is a formulation made in without starch, however it is difficult to obtain. All British milks are starch-free.
We are going to move to using the born free bottle dispenser (we are in the USA). I need to calibrate the machine. What is a scoop size in grams ie how many grams in one scoop.
Thank you
PS Love your product if you have to supplement or can’t breast feed its fantastic
Hi, thank you for your message–and so happy you love HiPP! It is certainly a gold-standard formula. Here are the corresponding measurements per scoop of the HiPP stages of formula (and remember Scoop Matters! The different stages have very slightly different sizes of scoops):
First Infant Milk: 4.3g per scoop
Hungry Infant Milk: 4.5g per scoop
Follow On Milk: 4.7g per scoop
Why does the formula need to be stored in the foil containers? Can it be stored in a steralised container? is it contamination or is there another reason such as it goes off?
Hi, thank you for the comment. Packing and storing formula in foil pouches is an industry standard. However, parents do choose store formula in other containers. For example, you can purchase a formula dispenser (such as the Born Free Bottle Genius) where you would pour the formula in the top plastic area for dispensing. Of course with any formula/breastfeeding items, you want to sterilize the containers before use. It is very important to keep your preparation area as well as clean as possible. As to why foil packaging is used in food and pharmaceutical packaging, aluminum foil provides a complete barrier to light, oxygen, moisture and bacteria.
my daughter is 5.5 months, 4.5 months adjusted and has been EBF and is still only about 13lbs b/c she was a preemie, my supply has dwindled since she has started to sleep through the night. which stage is right for her?
Hi, thank you for your message. We always recommend Stage 1 First Infant as the starting point for babies. First Infant is the closest in composition to breastmilk and is a very gentle formula. If your baby has trouble with dairy, you can try the Hypo-Allergenic (German formulation only) formula, however even for parents who have trouble on other brands of formula, switching to Stage 1 First Infant often resolves any issues their little one was having–so Stage 1 First Infant is an excellent choice if you need to try HiPP.
Why German formulation only for the Hypo-Allergenic?
Hello, the German HA formula has not yet been approved for the British market by the FSA Food Standards Agency. HiPP continues to seek this approval but the process is lengthy.
I recently purchased Hipp stage 1 and I noticed on the box it says the powder must be used with in 3 weeks of opening the package. I am breast feeding and only plan on supplementing with the formula once a day. Is there a way that I can keep the powder longer if I don’t use it all in that time ? What about using a sealed container ?
Thank you for your question. The manufacturer’s recommendation is that you use the formula within roughly a month (3 weeks) after the seal is opened. Of course, as a parent, you should trust your best judgement as well.
My baby is 2 months and has acid reflux and bad gas problems. We are on alimentum formula due to having trouble breaking down the proteins. How does this formula compare to alimentum for babies that have allergies ?
Hi, thank you for your question. Similac Alimentum is similar in nutritional values and composition to HiPP’s Hypo-Allergenic HA 1 formula. Both formulas contain broken down predigested milk proteins, making it easier for sensitive babies.
The World Health Organization (of the UN) regulates the nutritional values and standards of all infant formulas, so nutritional values from any of the major manufacturers will be similar and will meet the WHO standard. The difference is in how they are made and what ingredients are used to create the composition. HiPP is an EU organic formula, and the ingredients reflect a simpler composition. You can read the ingredients of the HiPP HA formula at the BritishSuperStores website.
The HiPP HA formula contains starch, like the other HiPP formulations in other European countries, as it is a German formulation. HiPP UK Milks contain no starch, which is why we feel they are the gold standard in formula. HA is something to consider if your baby doesn’t do well on HiPP Stage 1, but in general, many parents find that HiPP’s British formula is an extremely gentle one and we’ve personally experienced parents who were able to switch to HiPP Stage 1 from formulas like Alimentum. It’s not always the case, but British formulas are certainly a gold standard worldwide. In fact, so much British formula is imported to the US each year, that Customs places a permanent ban on imported infant formula specifically from Great Britain after quota is met. British formulas are in high demand throughout the world.
Your product looks wonderful and is highly recommended by a dear friend.
Our nine month old daughter is lactose intolerant (she has sensitivity to protein to protein, dairy and soy so we stopped breast feeding at 3 months and we have been feeding her Elecare Infant formula) so we are looking for a heathy organic alternative to Elecare
We have supplemented the Elecare with fresh steamed fruits, vegetables and chicken since she was six months old but want to get her off the Elecare.
Do you have a formula that is suitable for a baby that has a sensitivity to protein, dairy and soy?
Please advise as we are excited to order your product.
Many thanks
Hi, thank you for your question. HiPP HA (Hypo-Allergenic) is a formulation with predigested milk proteins. It is not sold in the UK market, so you would necessarily need to purchase the German box. This formula does work well for babies with sensitive tummies. The box is smaller, 350g of formula. We have found that many babies who ordinarily need Elecare or Similac’s Alimentum can do well on HiPP Stage 1 because it is indeed a gentler formula. But if not, the HA is HiPP’s version of the product.
What’s the easiest way to mix this formula? Do I have to boil the water if I plan on using purchased nursery water? What is the easiest way of making this formula? Our little man feeds on demand and is extremely fussy if he doesnt get it right away so instructions on the formula are just not an option. Also what about pre making it? Can you provide some instructions on that? Thank you
Hi, thank you for your message. It is the manufacturer’s recommendation that you use boiled water, which is consistent with labeling regulations in the UK regarding infant milk. However, the US is not as strict on these guidelines and we have a detailed page about the differences on the top bar under PREPARATION. Most parents in the US will use a nursery, filtered, or ozmonized water to mix formula. It’s critical to remember that your bottle and preparation area stay clean and sterilized, as contamination can come from a variety of sources besides the formula or water. If your baby is newborn and is premature, early-term, or otherwise health-compromised your doctor will probably recommend that you always use boiled water.
I am ready to switch my 3 month old son from Enfamil GentleEase to HIPP and was wondering if I can use Baby Brezza to prepare HIPP or of you have recommendation for different formula maker.
Thank you!!!
Hi, thank you for your message. We do have other parents who use the Brezza for mixing the formula. They don’t have an insert setting for HiPP, but it appears the Brezza would work best for HiPP with an insert #5, comparing HiPP’s milk powder consistency with the other US brands. If you have success with another inset, though, please share it here!
If you keep the powder in the refrigerator or freezer opened and/or unopened, will it extend the expiration date?
Thank you for you message. Generally, no. The expiration date on the box is the manufacturer’s expiration date for the formula kept in the best conditions and unopened. After opening, the standard recommendation is to use within 3 weeks.
I have several boxes of HIPP formula that I ordered from the UK. The expiration date is listed as 08-12-2015. Is this August 12? Or since it’s from the UK December 8? I know they usually use a different date format.
Yes, the expiration on the packaging is in European format, which is DAY-MONTH-YEAR (whereas in the US the day and month are reversed). So if your formula batch has an expiration of 08-12-2015, the expiration is 8 December 2015. Thanks for the good question!
my son is 6 months old and has been fed with “HIPP organic 1” since his birth.
He has started solids a few weeks ago and I wonder if I should switch to the “Hipp Organic 2” formula right now or wait until he eats 1 or 2 complete meals (solids) a day ?
thanks a lot
Hi, thank you for the question. It’s really not necessary to switch to the Hungry Infant formula unless your little one is remaining unsatisfied after feedings or is needing a thicker formula. The Hungry Infant is a bit thicker in consistency and can be good for infants that have trouble with keeping down the thinner Stage 1. If your son is at least 6 months, however, you can switch to the Follow On milk which will contain a bit more iron. The Follow On Milk does not have the DHA that is added to Stage 1 and Hungry Infant but these are far less critical inclusions for the formula after 6 months. You can read more about DHA here in the Frequent Questions.
prior to using Hipp, I have my LO Klaire Labs probiotics. Should I continue or discontinue due to Hipp’s added praebotik?
Hi, thanks for the question. HiPP milk powder does contain probiotics, and you will see that your baby may have more frequent stools because of this. Most likely, you will not need to continue the other culture of probiotics you are using, but remember to store your HiPP milk in a cool and dry location.
I purchased some Hipp Organic baby formula from BritishSuperStores and have started to convert my baby (7 weeks old) from his old formula to the Hipp formula. Everything is working well. However, my family will be in China for an extended period of time. I have been able to locate Hipp baby formula sold in China at a baby store in Beijing. I wanted to know if there is a difference in formulation between the Hipp baby formula from BritishSuperStores and the Hipp baby formula sold locally in China.
Another option for purchasing Hipp baby formula in China is through a website called that is selling what appears to be the Hipp local German product; Bio Combiotik 600g. I also wanted to know the difference between this German Hipp product (Bio Combiotik) and the Hipp baby formula sold from BritishSuperStores.
Hi, thanks for the good question. The British formulation of HiPP is different than the German formulation. The HiPP version made for China will be similar to the German formula, and will be different than the UK version. The essential difference between the British version of HiPP ad the German version is that the German formula contains starch solids and the addition of Lactobacillus fermentum, a friendly bacteria. The British version does NOT contain any starch at all, does not contain this bacteria (as it has not been approved by the Food Standards Agency of the UK) but instead contains prebiotic dietary fibres and approved probiotic cultures. This is why the British formula is generally a bit more expensive. It is a very high quality milk.
The German Bio Combiotik version also contains starch solids. You can view the actual panel of Bio Combiotik on our website.
If you will be buying the Chinese formula, which is found in a tin, make sure that it contains an authenticity seal somewhere on the tin. Unfortunately in China there have been issues with milk powders claiming to be authentic but not sealed by the manufacturer. The British formula comes in a box, with two sachets. Not only the box but the two aluminum sachets have the manufacturer’s imprint and batch number making it very difficult to fake. With the tin cans sold in other countries, it may be easy to simply place a label on the tin.
Have a great trip!
Thanks for the fast reply. I had two other questions:
1) I intend to try to mostly use the British formulation in China. However, there could be a situation where I run out and am not able to replace my stock immediately. In that case, I would use the Chinese formulation from a local legitimate source to bridge the gap between formula restocking. Do you see any issues with swtiching back and forth occasionally between the British and the Chinese formulation?
2) If I mix Hipp formula directly with boiling water and then let it cool to an appropriate baby drinking temperature, will this affect the nutritional content of the formula?
Yes, the two formulations are compatible if you need to temporarily switch formulas. What might be best, is making bottles as a combination of the two if you run out of the British formulation. The works well so long as you make sure you pre-mix both of the formulas separately, and then combine then as liquids into a bottle. This will ensure you keep your milk powder to water ratio constant. Both of these are dairy-based formulas, so if you prefer to switch some feedings, you can do that as well. We have a new blog article about creating transitional bottles and feeding frequencies when you need to use two formulas during a switch.
Regarding mixing HiPP with boiling water, a bit more complicated. There is a risk of harming the probiotic cultures if very hot water is used, but none of the other nutrients contained in the formula will be affected. Years ago HiPP had approached the Department of Health and Food Standards Agency before launching the UK product. Although the FSA’s guidance remains that a water temperature of 70 degrees C or above should be used when preparing powdered formula feeds, they also acknowledged that for some formulas this might not be possible as this high water temperature will kill the probiotic cultures. In these cases they state that ‘the onus is on a manufacturer to place safe food on the market and providing appropriate, safe preparation and handling instructions should be part of this’. HiPP does feel that they have sufficient documentation to support preparation of the milk formulas at the lower temperature of 40-50 degrees C and that when prepared at this lower temperature, according to their instructions and also feeding your baby immediately, the milk is safe. HiPP performs extensive microbiological testing of their products at each stage of production and the risk of bacterial contamination of their formulas is minimised through careful production measures. Hope this helps!
I’m having a hard time ordering hipp organic stage 1 infant formula. Every website recommended has is on back order and limits how much you can order when they do have it! What is causing this problem and how long will it persist for?
Thank you
Hi, thank you for your message. Unfortunately, the HiPP plant had difficulty obtaining one of the necessary ingredients for their formulation several months ago, and this has caused a shortage of production both in Germany and at the UK plant. HiPP’s supply chains are placing volume restrictions on wholesalers with the hope that this will clear up shortly. The shortage is sorting itself out, but we unfortunately do not have an ETA as of yet as to when restrictions will be completely removed. Please understand that HiPP’s rationing of formula is an effort to act responsibly with distribution until the issue clears.
Hi, where can I buy Infant Milk Stage 1 in Singapore?
I’ve searched thru some website, only stage 2 is available.
Thank you for viewing our website. HiPP has an official distributor in Singapore at that should be able to help you find the right milk. Their phone number is (+65) 65770918.
Hi. I love your infant hungry formula. But im on the total elimination diet for my daughter – so egg/dairy/soy/nut/gluten free (breast feeding). But I know I will need your formula more as I go back to work. Do you have a hypoallergenic formula? I read there is a HA 1? Where can I buy this?
Thanks for the question. Yes indeed, the German plant manufactures an HA formulation of the product with broken down milk proteins. For an early infant, you will want to consider either HA PRE or HA1. The difference between these is primarily that HA PRE does not contain starch, whereas HA1 does. Starch may be an ingredient consideration that is suitable for this formula as it can help keep your infant full. Because the milk proteins are hydrolyzed, HA1 with starch may work better for your infant and keep him/her satisfied.
Do I measure water in US ounces or UK ounces?
Hi, you will want to measure in fluid ounce, which is equivalent to a US ounce. There will also be a ml calibration on your baby bottles and you can also use this, according to the back of the box. Thanks for the question!
My son is 9 months old he has been exclusively breastfeed. I want to start supplementing with formula for when I can breast feed him. I was reading the different levels and I was wondering if, it would it be okay to start on the follow up milk being that he will still be occasionally breast feeding and is eating solids twice to three times a day. Thank you
Hi, congratulations on EBF to 9 months! That is quite an accomplishment and it’s wonderful to hear. Yes, you should be able to start with Follow On Milk with no trouble. Just keep in mind that formula is quite a bit thicker than breastmilk, so he may feed less. You can always look at Stage 1 First Infant as well, if you feel Follow On is too thick for him right now. Stage 1 is going to be the closest in consistency to breastmilk. Thanks for the question!
I purchased your hypoallergenic formula and your regular hungry infant. The hungry infant dissolves so well, but the hypoallergenic leaves clumps and sediment everywhere…it worries me that it’s not dissolving correctly. Is this normal?
This is happening to me too. Is that normal? It looks weird!
Hi, thank you for your comment. The HA will be a bulkier formula, as it contains vegetable starch for a creamier consistency. The UK formulas do not contain this ingredient and so they dissolve easier and are thinner.
Can I mix Hipp with my Breast milk? 1oz Hipp (mixed with 1oz water) to 3oz Breast milk? I don’t want to substitute with Formula completely, but my Breast milk is not coming in as much as it used to.
Hi, thanks for the post. Yes, you can mix breastmilk with HiPP formula. You will want to make sure you prepare the formula first (mix the formula according to the directions for 1oz) and then add breastmilk. This will be just fine. You can refrigerate the composition, but you will want to remember that formula cannot be frozen in the freezer–unlike breastmilk.
My son has a corn allergy and we are looking for a better option than the alimentum ready to feed. Do any of your products contain corn? Specifically the HA formula and the infant formula?
Hi, thanks for the message. No, the formulas do not contain corn as an allergen. You can download the full allergen list and ingredients on this website (look at the sidebar on the homepage). If you are wanting a substitution for Similac Alimentum, HiPP makes a hydrolized protein formula. It is called HiPP HA (Hypo-Allergenic). This is an excellent formula and we’ve had many parents very satisfied with how it works for their infants.
My daughter used to be exclusively breastfeed, however, my milk supply is not keeping up with her feeding demands. We want to supplement but have not found a company that she enjoys so we end up wasting a bunch of formula. We have spent a lot of money in the quest to find a brand that works. We heard about HiPP from a co-worker who used it on her children when they were born and loved it. We would love to try out a sample before we buy just to ensure that our little one will take it. Is there a way that you could send one?
Hi, thanks for your question. We do not sell formula directly from this site, however if you contact British Superstores directly, the supplier we recommend and partner with, you should be able to ask them for how to receive a sample.
What is the starch in the Hipp HA? Corn? Potato?
Hi, I have been using Hipp stage 1 but recently stopped and switch to cows milk. My baby is one now. Can I use the stage 3 As an option for when traveling since cows milk is hard to travel with unless you take a cooler. What makes the stage 3 different than stage 1?
Hi, and congratulations on your 1 yr birthday! It is a great turning point to finally be transitioning off of formula. Yes, the HiPP Stage 3 is a toddler milk for ages 12 to 24 months, and it is not only good to use for its vitamineral and prebiotic properties (can reduce constipation as you transition to whole milk) but it is also very good for travel and vacations when you cannot bring liquid milk with you. The difference in this milk is that the vitamin and mineral contents are modified to deliver the right RDA for little ones at 1-2 years old. Stage 3 also contains a natural emulsifier(soy lecithin) which you will also find in 95% of all confectionary goods in minute quantities.
I am a breastfeeding mom that needs to supplement. Can made-up formula be warmed up after being stored in the fridge for 8 hours, just like breastmilk?
I am assuming I can combine made-up formula and breastmilk, is that correct?
Hi, yes you can certainly combine made-up formula and breastmilk. Many moms do. As long as you premix your milk powder with water, this works very well. You can also certainly store your mixed formula in the refrigerator and pull it out to reheat. On our PREARATION page, if you scroll to the bottom, there will be details on refrigeration of the milk. Thanks for the good question!
My hectic work hours have posed challenges to my pumping schedule, so I have just ordered HiPP to mix with breastmilk for my 8 month old who has been EBF since birth. Normally I freeze what I pump right away even if my baby will eat it at daycare the very next day because the daycare prefers to store her unused breastmilk in the freezer on site rather than having to worry it will spoil in their refrigerator. I would like to mix HiPP with my breastmilk and freeze it for my baby’s consumption later. Is freezing HiPP mixed with breastmilk advisable? Will this change the nutrients & composition? Is it safe? Thank you. I’m looking forward to trying the formula. I have heard fantastic things from other moms and my doula.
Hi, thank you for the question–and it is crazy to keep up with formula feeding, especially before your little one starts eating solids. Unfortunately, formula isn’t like breastmilk in that it can be frozen. When infant formula is subjected to freezing temperatures, it can separate. Although freezing formula doesn’t change the nutritional value of the formula or create any harm, it is not recommended to freeze it because it changes the consistency and ability to use it.
Hi, how long will HIPP formula stay fresh after opening? I am currently breastfeed my baby, but I don’t have enough milk supply, so I am interested in buying HIPP. I plan to feed 1 meal by formula per day, so I am worrying the formula will go bad before I finish it. (it’s 800g per package!!)
Hi, once you open the foil pouch, it is recommended to use the formula by 3 weeks. There are TWO foil pouches of formula in one package, and if you do not open the foil pouch, it will stay fresh to the date of expiration imprinted at the top seal. Thanks for the question!
Hi, I’m interested in buying Hipp formula for my 6 month old son. He’s currently on alimentum due to acid reflux. Have you heard anything on Hipp stage 1 and acid reflux? Also I’m a little concerned about the fact that fluoride is listed on the ingredients panel. What is the purpose of adding this ingredient? Thank you
Hi, thank you for the question. HiPP First Infant is indeed a very gentle formula, however, if you need milk for a baby who is extremely sensitive and cannot digest Stage 1, the HiPP HA Hypo-Allergenic is a similar product to Alimentum, with broken down milk proteins. There is no added fluoride to the formula, however, the FSA regulations of the UK mandate that any presence of fluoride be notated on the panel for all infant milks. Flouride is present in US formula, however, the regulations for disclosure are not quite as strict; US manufacturers are not required to state the fluoride levels. The fluoride in all infant milks is derived from the source water during processing only and it not an additional added ingredient.
My baby is almost 8 mos and we are going to switch from neocate to HIPP in hopes that his milk protein allergy has passed but I can’t figure out which stage to start him on. Do we go with “first infant milk,” “hungry infant milk,” or “follow on milk.” He has started eating solids. Thanks!
Hi, thank you for your question. It’s always advisable to start with the gentlest formula of HiPP if you are unsure. This would be Stage 1. Stage 1 is suitable until 1 year of age, and it is the closest formula in consistency and composition to breastmilk. Even though your little one is eating solids, you can’t go wrong starting with Stage 1 to ensure he adjusts to the change of his formula.
Thank you so much for your clarification and for informing me on the Hipp HA hypoallergenic formula. Would I be able to purchase the Hipp hypoallergenic formula through this website? Thank you.
Hi, the HiPP HA is available through BritishSuperStores if you are wanting to try this. Keep in mind, this formula is from Germany in a German box, as it has not yet been approved for the UK market.
My apologies if I’ve missed it somewhere, but I was wondering if your containers are BPA-free? Also, can I replace the formula into a sterilized glass jar? Would it last as long, or is it safer to keep it in its original packaging? Thanks in advance!
Hi, HiPP formula comes in two aluminum sachets enclosed in a cardboard box. So no issues with BPA at all. Yes, you can certainly move your formula to another container, either glass or plastic. Many parents do this, and there are in fact “formula bins” you can purchase from companies like OXO–or put your formula in a Baby Brezza container. Like you recommend, making sure the container is sterilized and your preparation area is clean is most important.
The formula should be used within 3 weeks of opening the foil pouch, regardless of where you’re storing it. This is a safe recommendation from the manufacturer. Essentially once your formula is exposed to air, you want to use it within three weeks. Thanks for the question!
Can you please tell me if your formula shipped to the US is exposed to radiation upon entering the country?
Hi, we have a fair bit of detail on cabinet radiation towards the top of the FAQ, but since we’ve received this question recently again, we wanted to follow up on two concerns of parents: food irradiation and the x-raying of food.
Regarding the cabinet x-ray that all air shipments are subject to, it is known that foods do not retain the radiation when passed through cabinet x-ray. This can be accurately and readily measured, and there is a Q&A on the Food Standards Agency website that addresses this (see link below). Anything that gets put onto an airplane does undergo the cabinet x-ray since this is a worldwide safety regulation. Scroll up the FAQ where you will find the actual numbers on x-ray values.
Regarding irradiation, where the foods are ionized and expose to gamma radiation, baby Milk is not approved to be irradiated in the UK. You can read about this on the FSA website here: Irradiation is not compatible with organic food production. HiPP is an EU Organic certified product which means strict adherence to the avoidance of artificial chemical additives, genetically modified food (they are huge advocates on stopping this), and food irradiation.
Please understand, food irradiation is not very common in the UK, and only more common in countries like the USA, Brazil, China, the Netherlands. Here is another good link describing the irradiated foods in the world and how this process works:
Hello – we currently have our 4 month old boy/girl twins on Stage 1 and are curious about the concerns of soy in formula. Excerpt from an article:
“Soybeans — even organically grown soybeans — naturally contain “antinutrients” such as saponins, soyatoxin, phytates, trypsin inhibitors, goitrogens and phytoestrogens. Traditional fermentation destroys these antinutrients, which allows your body to enjoy soy’s nutritional benefits. However, most Westerners do not consume fermented soy, but rather unfermented soy, mostly in the form of soymilk, tofu, TVP, and soy infant formula.”
Can you offer any insight on whether the soy is traditionally fermented or unfermented? Any additional information would be appreciated also. Thank you!
Hi, thank you for the good question about soy. First, remember that the HiPP powdered infant formulas, First Infant, Hungry Infant, and Follow On Milk do not contain any soy. Soy is only present in Stage 3 Growing Up milk and in the Ready-Made feeds of the formula–and it is in the form of Soy Lecithin, as an emulsifier. This is slightly different than what you are thinking of as soy found in standard soy formulas and soybean in food.
Soy lecithin is a waste product left after producing soy oil–it is extracted from the oils of the soy beans shell. The protein that is contained in soybean is largely removed from soy lecithin because of this, and soy lecithin is considered a different substance from soybean. Soy lecithin is a natural emulsifier for infant milks, meaning, it is a substance that allows the “stable emulsion” of oil and water. It prevents the mixture from separating. Especially the Ready-Made products need an emulsifier. Soy lecithin is used in hundreds of processed foods, everything from candy bars to cookie dough. It is considered a natural and safe emulsifier. Also keep in mind, any ingredients HiPP milks are organically derived from non-GMO sources.
Actual soy infant milks are made with the soybean protein. The concern with actual soy formula is its high phytoestrogenic quality–there is simply not enough longitudinal data to know the long term effects on infants exclusively consuming soy formulas. A very important thing to remember is that the majority of studies regarding the health benefits and risks of soy have used “whole soy” products, like you mention in your question. Other studies regarding soy lecithin are researching how supplements of soy lecithin have affected people–meaning, soy lecithin in large quantities, not the minute quantities added to foods.
HiPP does not manufacture a soy infant milk. Again, Stage 1 First Infant, Hungry Infant, and Follow On do not contain soy or soy lecithin. With the soy lecithin present in the ready-made feed and Growing Up milk, the amounts are minute and don’t contribute a substantial level of phytoestrogens.
In my previous research on Hipp I had found a discussion about the cost difference between Hipp and your average US formula. I know I’ll be answering the “doesn’t that cost too much” question, and rather than just saying the cost is well worth the better product for my son, I’d like to be able to say “well, really it’s only x more”. I’m sure I could figure this out on my own, but I could swear I saw it in a discussion on this site before but just can’t find it now… do you have any idea the cost difference? Thank you!
Pricing can fluctuate, and we don’t have current measurements on the displacement of water when the formula is mixed, but to give you a rough estimate, you can make a price calculation assuming that 1 scoop of Gerber (for example) is 8.7 grams of powder, needed for 2 fluid ounces of formula, and the total fluid ounces of formula that the entire bin makes would be 144 fl oz (this is on the low side since we’re not accounting for the displacement of water). This comes out to .19 cents/fl oz assuming you purchase for $26-$27 a bin. With HiPP’s 4.3 gram scoop per 1 oz, you are making about 186 fl oz of formula (again, on the low side since we’re not accounting for water displacement). This comes out to .22 cents/fl oz at $40 which is the average price online among reputable UK companies selling as an import. You can see that the costs are comparable, within 3 cents different per fluid oz, but for very different qualities of products.
And if you are comparing organic to organic, HiPP is significantly less expensive than the other organic brands on the market. Thanks for the question!
What is the link to the British Superstores you refer to in many of your posts. I cannot find it when I do a google search.
Hi, thank you for the message. Here is the link to their dedicated portal:
Hi. I just got my first box of Hipp infant formula for my 3 month old and I see that it says not to use water that is “artificially softened.” We have a well and a water softener, but I’m currently using bottled baby water that I boil. However, we are wanting to get a water filter and be able to use the water right from the tap. If it’s going through a water softener, can we use it to prepare the formula? Thanks in advance!
It’s not advisable to use water with a water softener for babies because it increases the sodium concentration of the water. A water softener works by replacing the calcium and magnesium ions in the water (what creates the “hardness”) with sodium or potassium ions. There isn’t extensive research on whether these increased sodium ions are a bad thing but there are some studies that suggest the extra sodium is not good for infant blood pressure (Pomeranz et al.,2002). Every water softener system is different so the best thing to do is contact the vendor/manufacturer to understand the amount of sodium being produced by your system. Even if you have a softener, you can also install a water filtration system to remove additional sodium ions. This would work, and the specs for your water filter should be able to show you the reduction in the sodium. Thanks for the question!
Thanks for the response. We have looked into getting a reverse osmosis water filter system and will have the water tested professionally after that’s installed. Thanks again!
My daughter has been on Hipp Organic First Infant Milk since about 2 months of age and we love it! The only trouble is I live in the U.S. The place I purchase it from is now seeming to be frequently out of stock. I have found other retailers but the shipping will take quite some time, and I am running low on formula. My daughter is 5 months old and we have started introducing purees about two weeks ago. So my question: should I order the Hungry Infant Milk or the Follow On Milk, since I am unable to get the First Infant Milk in time? I’ve read some things about ‘follow on milk’ being not recommended as it’s sweeter and causes tooth issues?. (Not sure if that’s completely unfounded or not, but I have read it on a few different sources). If we switch do you think it will cause any digestive issues?
Thanks in advance!
Hi, thanks for the post. Your little one is a bit too small for the follow On Milk. Follow On does not contain DHA which has been found to be very important for brain and eye development in the first several months of life. After your baby starts eating solids, the DHA is not as critical in infant milk because it can be derived from other sources. But at 2 months, and if exclusively formula fed, you want to stay with a formula that contains DHA. The Follow On milk contains more iron, which makes sense as your baby grows, but excessive iron salts can sometimes cause constipation issues in very small infants. Babies have stores of iron from birth that slowly deplete, and more iron can sometimes be needed after 6 months (although not always necessary, as this is also about the time that your baby starts eating solids and derives the iron from other sources). The lactose sweetener is the same for all the HiPP formulas, and there is no difference in the sugar levels for the HiPP brand. However, dealing with your shortage issue, it might be best to buy a few boxes of HiPP Stage 1 wherever you can find them until the retailers you prefer get their new stock.
I think I may not have been clear in my post. I was mentioning that we have been using Hipp since two months old, not that my child is currently two months old. My baby is now 6 months old. I live in the US and am having difficulty getting the Hipp Stage 1 formula. The place I purchase from has now noted that there is a manufacturing issue and they are not able to procure the stage 1 formula for some time. So, given that my baby is 6 months old, should I switch to the hungry infant milk or the follow on milk?
Somewhat urgent question, We have been storing multiple boxes of HIPP stage 1 in our garage for about 60 days in case of emergencies but realized that the temperatures in there have fluctuated between 60 and almost 100 degrees over the past few weeks. What’s the maximum allowed storage temperature for sealed HIPP formula that’s kept out of the sun? I’ve taken it into the air conditioned house for now but should we ditch the formula?
Hi, I’m really sorry about this. Infant formula should not be stored above 95 degrees F. 95F is the upper cut off recommendation for most manufacturers, the lower threshold is 32F. Prolonged exposure to temperatures below 32 degrees F or to direct heat above 95 degrees F could affect the physical consistency of the product. The optimal storage temperature for storing your powdered milk is between 55 and 75 degrees F which assures the highest quality.
Infants’ systems are rather sensitive. Exposing foods to extreme temperatures can compromise the sensory characteristics (e.g., taste, color, aroma) and physical characteristics that make products pleasing and encourage consumption. Even for short time periods, very high or low temperatures can cause physical changes in the products, rendering them undesirable or unusable.
I’m looking to switch my 3 month old to an organic formula and would like to purchase samples to see which formula best suits her. Is it possible to get samples of Hipp formulas to try? She is currently on Enfamil Gentlease and hasn’t had any issues… I just hate the thought of all the junk I’m pumping into her and would like to find an organic/clean solution.
Thank you!!
Hi, thank you for your message. Yes, BritishSuperStores does have discounts and a sample code for parents. These are not always available, so send them an email and they can assist.
Hi, I received my shipment of HiPP Hypoallergenic stage 1 formula today. My problem is my box is not in English so I do not know the water to formula ratio. It seems most of their formulas are 1 scoop to 1 ounce of water. Can you tell me of this is true of the HA formula as well? Thanks!
Hi, thank you. Yes, the HA is also a 1 fl oz to 1 scoop ratio (technically 3 scoops to 90ml as the packaging indicates).
I’ve ordered a box of Hipp off ebay. I normally buy it directly from UK but the shipment was going to take 3 weeks so I needed some to hold me over until it arrived. Anyway, the seller says it’s genuine hipp formula from Germany and the box contains 600 grams. My question is how do I tell if it’s authentic? I thought that it only came in 800 grams is this true? Or does the German line make a stage 1 that comes in 600 as well. The packaging is in German and says it’s the bio combiotik. I paid $30 for the box. Any tips would be appreciated. It looks like the real deal but I want to know for sure before I give it to my baby. I’ve heard people can order knock-off hipp from China that the boxes looks identical. How do I tell the difference?
Thank you for the question. The German line of HiPP formula does indeed come packaged in a 600gram box–so you are getting about 1/4 less formula for the price. Regarding authenticity, the issues in China with bad baby formula are very isolated. For the HiPP brand, the Asian formulation comes packaged in a tin can. This may in fact be easier to “relabel” and repackage than the boxes. The Chinese distributors have now placed a holographic label on the tins to protect against this.
The boxed version of the formula, however, is packaged inside with aluminum sachets, which are imprinted at the upper seal with the manufacturer’s batch number and expiration date. You should look for this on all of your purchases. If you are concerned, you could certainly contact the HiPP plant in Germany and request a verification of the batch number you purchased.
Ebay may not be the best place to purchase formula, not necessarily because people are selling unauthentic products, but because of the unknown of how the formula is being stored. Certainly ask these questions when you find a retailer you want to purchase from.
We have started giving our daughter HiPP Organic First Infant Milk Stage 1. She started at 9 weeks old. We plan on continuing with this formula. Does Hipp strictly recommend that we switch to the Follow On Milk at around 6 months or is it okay to continue with the First Infant Milk until she turns 1 year old?
Thank you for the question. HiPP First Infant Stage 1 is entirely suitable from birth until 1 year. The Follow On milk can be used after 6 months but it doesn’t have to be if your baby is good with Stage 1. Follow On may be more desirable for moms who were breastfeeding up until 6 months, as it contains a bit more iron for breastfed babies. Follow On does not contain DHA, as this can be sourced from foods after your little one begins eating. Both of these formulas are compatible with each other, so it is very much up to you. If you need a thicker formula or your baby isn’t satisfied on Stage 1, you could consider Follow On milk. It’s also not a hard and fast rule to begin at 6 months. You could consider follow on at 8 or 9 months if you wish. 6 months for some babies is too early, for others just fine.
I purchased the Combiotic baby formula for my son and the first 2 days he had no problem with it. After the 2nd day, he became very gassy and spit up more frequently(nearly after every feeding). He still eats it when offered to him because he likes the taste, but still gets fussy and gassy afterwards. Do you happen to have a formula that is “gentle” for the tummy? This seems to be the only formula he doesn’t mind eating because I have been trying other brands with no success… 🙁
Hi, thank you for your question. I’m sorry little one is having trouble. There is HiPP’s HA Hypo-allergenic milk that might be suitable for him. This product contains predigested proteins for the most sensitive of babies. As we know, all babes are different and it can take some trial and error for some moms. It may also be worth a phone call to your pediatrician to see what other options might be.
I breastfeed and supplement about 8 oz of Hipp stage 1 a day. I think it may take me a little more like 4 weeks to get through a pouch at this point rather than the recommended 3. Is that bad? Would using an air tight container help it keep a few extra days?
Hi, thank you for the question. Certainly using an air tight container will optimize the storage of your baby formula. At 4 weeks you are right there at the threshold of freshness, however the manufacturer would not be able to recommend you use their formula beyond 3 weeks. There are some manufacturers that will recommend use by 1 month after opening. HiPP recommends 3 weeks.
Can Hipp HA stage 1 hypoallergenic formula (German formulation) be used from birth up until 1 year of age?
Also is it 1 oz of water to 1 leveled spoon of powder ratio as in hipp first infant milk?
Thank you.
Hi, thank you. Yes HA1 can be used from birth until 1 year. The measurement for HA is 3 scoops to 90ml of water. This equates to 1oz to 1 scoop. We always recommend however, that if your bottle calibrates in ml as well as oz, use the ml line for optimal accuracy.
I have a question regarding the Hipp first infant milk ready to feed. It looks like it comes in a pack of 6….is each container 200mls….or are all 6 are 200 mls total combined. Is ready made liquid safe to ship long distances? How long after a container is opened does it need to be used? What is the main difference between to powder and liquid? Anything?
Hi, thank you for the question. The Ready-Made milk comes in a small tetra-pak aspetic carton. These little cartons are 200ml each (a 7oz bottle). If you are purchasing 6 cartons, you are purchasing 6x200ml, or 6 bottles of milk. The Ready-Made is a liquid so it should be shipped with appropriate plastic packaging and cushioning. These Ready-Mades last until their date of expiration, however you will want to use within 2 hours at room temperature after opening (or 24 hours after opening if refrigerated).
There is a bit of a difference in the Ready-Mades vs. the powdered milk. The Ready-Mades are sterile (the powder is not). The Ready-Mades also use a difference source of DHA/ARA. This is perhaps the main difference between the two. The Ready-Mades also contain a minute amount of Soy Lechithin as an emulsifier for the mixture (see the FAQ regarding this natural emulsifier). Regarding their taste, color, consistency, and nutritional value, the Ready-Made and the powdered milk are completely compatible.
Hi, I just got my first HiPP ready to feed 200 ml but I confuse how to read the exp date. The date printed on top of the box is 06 03 16.
Is the milk going to expire on June or March? What is the expiration date on this ready to feed formula?
Thank you…
Hi, thank you for the message. The expiration will read in European date format, from left to right reading DAY MONTH YEAR. So your pack expires March 6 of 2016.
My little one is about 6.5 months old. We have been doing solids for about two months now. She is also on the Hipp 1 formula and doing great, however lately I am having difficulty purchasing the Hipp 1. The Hipp Hungry Infant and the Follow On Milk are both readily available however. Which of those two would be best to switch her to? What is the main difference between them?
Thanks for your message. For you, because your little one is at least 6 months old, it is better for her to move to Stage 2 Follow On if necessary to switch from Stage 1. Hungry Infant is really designed for babies that cannot satiate on a regular formula, and because of this, is thicker with a higher casein ratio. But Hungry is not really a “substitute” for Stage 1. HiPP PRE is in fact the German substitute for Stage 1, and otherwise there are the ready-made feeds. For your daughter, Stage 2 would be best if you are not wanting the DHA/ARA supplementation–which is not a critical inclusion in formula after 6 months as it can be obtained and more readily absorbed from food sources.
i ordered the Hipp HA formula from its a german formulation so the printing is all in german. its a 500g box and does not mention organic anywhere on the box.
how can i tell if its genuine and is there any place where i can find the translation for everything thats printed on the box.?
Hi, thank you for the message. HA is nutritionally equivalent to Alimentum, but it differs in that it contains only partially hydrolyzed milk proteins. Specifically, this formula uses a hydrolyzed whey protein instead of a hydrolyzed casein. When you hydrolyze, you chemically alter the ingredients and because of this HiPP HA may not qualify under the EU regulations for Organic Certification.
I just want to clarify the last explanation. Can you confirm that it is only PARTIALLY hydrolyzed so it is much more like Similac sensitive formula than it is to Alimentum or Nutramigen? I want to determine whether this would be appropriate for my daughter who has a casein allergy, or whether I have to stick with one of those two non-organic formulas.
That is correct, HA is partially hydrolyzed.
Is the ready made formula sterile?
Zia Brown
Hi, thanks for the question. Yes the ready-made formula comes in aseptic tetra-paks and are sterile.
I’ve recently switched to Hipp HA and have noticed that the powder doesn’t dissolve as easily. Can you tell me the best way to prepare it? For Hipp, I have been simply mixing with room temperature purified water.
Thanks for the good question. HA is a bit of a different formula, so it may dissolve differently. You can try a couple of things, fist using glass bottles. As glass bottles are heavier than plastic, they are much better when shaking and mixing baby formula. Another technique is to shake the bottle laterally from side to side first, instead of “up and down.” This will prevent the clumping in the nipple that may otherwise occur. If this still doesn’t work, try filling the bottle to the desired amount, then mix in only half the formula, unscrew, and mix in the rest. There are also many parents that use formula mixing machines like the Brezza–this would be another option, but hopefully one of the above techniques might work just as well.
Does the German Hipp Combiotik 2 (600g box) contain DHA?
Thank you for your question. Yes, HiPP Combiotik 2 (German) contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.
i recently bgt Hipp from two sources, one from hong kong and another from france. can i know whats the difference between two compared to germany? why is there salt added to germany version? where can i find starch in the ingredients list?
Thank you for your question. Starch would be translated as “starke” in the ingredients panel of the formula. Because there are so many different formulations depending on the regulations for import into each country, if you could kindly send us by email a picture of the back panels of the formula you are comparing, we can help you.
sure, whats the email i can send to. the ingredients panel show the word salt and the composition is 0.02mg
A friend from Germany was kind enough to bring us two types of Hipp formula for our EBF 7 month old as we will be transitioning to formula this month. The two types are “HA Combiotik” and “BIO” both with the number 2 on the box. Does the “HA” on the box indicate this is special formula for allergy prone babies (hypo-allergenic)? If so, is it ok to feed this to a baby who doesn’t seem to exhibit any allergy issues? Could you kindly provide a brief description of both of these types of formulas? Lastly, one type came with a smaller blue scoop and the other with a larger scoop. Unfortunately, these were mixed up in the packaging while I unboxed the packets of formula – now I don’t know which scoop goes with which formula? Do we follow the 1 scoop to 30ml of water ratio? THANK YOU for your help!
Thanks for the question. The word “Bio” simply means organic on the packaging–this is the organic labeling for HiPP’s products in Germany and various other European countries. The “Combiotik” line is similar to the Combiotic UK version of the formula, with healthy prebiotic fibres, however, additional to the German Combiotik is the inclusion of L. Fermentum probiotic, a friendly bacteria also found in breastmilk. The blending of the prebiotic and probiotic has been branded as “combiotic” by HiPP–the technical term for this is “symbiotic” where the mixture of prebiotic and probiotic has a synergistic affect on health.
Regarding the HA, yes it can be used with infants without allergies, however it is always better to use the Stage of formula suited for your infant. Per scoop size, we would really need to see–HA Combiotik contains a relatively small scoop, smaller than the standard Bio Stage 1. The ratio for HA Combiotik is 3 scoops to 90ml water.
Another question regarding preparation, if I’ve misplaced the scoopers, what is the ratio of formula to water using teaspoons or tablespoons (or other measurements) for Hipp Bio 2 and HA Combiotik 2? Thank you.
Hi, for the standard formulas, this is measured in grams:
First Infant Milk: 4.3g per scoop
Hungry Infant Milk: 4.5g per scoop
Follow On Milk: 4.7g per scoop
If you can email us the back panel of the formula you are using, we can advise with the other measurements.
is there any urgent answer pls? why is there salt in the ingredients in hipp france version? is it a common ingredient in baby formula milk powder?
Hi, thank you for the question. If you could please send us a photograph of the back panel of your formula, we can verify.
I have a question with regards to iron levels in your formula 1. It has 0.5 mg of iron, while other formulas have almost double the iron amount. What’s the reason for this? And do I have to supplement iron?
Hi, thank you for your question. Infant formulas in Europe have consistently maintained that roughly half a mg of iron is suitable for infant supplementation. This is consistent with the minimal recommendations of the World Health Organization. The US formulas contain more iron as a mandate to protect against potential iron deficiencies, however many children do not necessarily do well consuming this level of iron, as iron is a salt that is difficult to digest especially in early infancy.
You will need to consult with your doctor whether you should or should not supplement with iron. Most European families on a European formula do not. Please keep in mind Stage 2 follow on milk contains more iron, but is only suitable at the 6 month threshold.
Hi, is it possible to receive a sample formula? I’m switching over from a different formula brand for higher quality HIPP formula, but would like to make sure baby will take formula okay. If so, what is process to receive this sample? Thanks.
Hi, you may be able to find samples or discount codes if you contact the retailers directly where you are purchasing the formula. Thank you for the message.
Hi I ordered the HIPP formula stage 1 from a different company and it came in German and in a canister rather than a box should I be concerned
Hi, thanks for the comment. Not necessarily. HiPP formula comes in a can in many countries, including some of the dutch European countries, however you might want to ask your retailer where the product you purchased originated and to make sure the distribution chain came directly from a HiPP supplier. We don’t like the can packaging as much only because it is easier to manipulate or “relabel” but again, the best thing would be to ask your retailer to give you some peace of mind.
hi-can you heat up refrigerated premixed formula- or do you have to leave it to become room temp
Hi, thank you for the question. It is not really advisable to heat up formula that has been premixed after refrigeration, because the bottle has been exposed (unless airtight) to the ambient environment/air of the refrigerator–and most peoples’ refrigerators contain many food items that have been lingering for quite some time. You can heat formula with a very low grade heating process, such as a bottle warmer, but it’s better to make the formula and immediately heat rather than using a bottle from refrigeration.
It’s a challenge to always make up fresh feed and many moms do warm up bottles from the refrigerator, but you can also take a simpler approach by by calculating the timing of your bottles. If your baby eats every two hours, for example, take out the second bottle from refrigeration at the same time you feed the room-temperature (or fresh) first bottle. By your next feed, your second bottle will still be within the 2-hour limit and will be warmed up to room temperature without having to try to speed up the warming process. When you feed this second bottle, take the next bottle out of the refrigerator at the same time, and so on. Just keep in mind you do not want to feed a bottle that has been mixed and at room temperature longer than 2 hours.
Hi. what is the difference between hipp bio combiotics (german version) and the UK version (hip combiotics)?
Hi, in terms of the combiotic included in the respective formulas, the German version will contain the friendly bacteria L. Fermentum in addition to prebiotic fibres, whereas the UK version only contains prebiotic fibres. While HiPP is still undergoing clinical trials for the L. Fermentum bacteria, it’s inclusion has not yet been approved by the FSA Food Standards Agency Health Department in the UK.
Hi…my lo is currently taking hipp 0-6months for 2days now. Im from the phillipines. My question is, is this 0-6months hipp formula similar to hipp stage 1…shes 4 month old now can you suggest a hipp product that can match her age and where can I order here,seems like hipp organic is hard to find in my area,,thanks a lot
HI, thank you for the message. At 4 months, your best formula stage will be Stage 1.
Hi, I’m supplementing my 4 week old with Hipp formula in addition to my breast milk. I don’t think I can use an entire bag within the 3 weeks, can I vacuum seal the powder once it’s open to have it last longer? Are there signs of the powder going bad? Thanks!
Hi, thanks for the question. Unfortunately, it is not the manufacturer’s recommendation to use the powdered milk beyond 3 weeks once opened. When you open the aluminium sachet, you expose it to air, and the 3 week clock starts from that point. If you are worried about wasting formula with breastfeeding, you might want to consider the ready-made liquids. These come in 200ml packs, which fill up about a 7oz bottle each. These are very good for breastfeeding moms, because you can only open one bottle at a time.
I have stage 1, hungry infant and follow on formulas at home but my scoops got messed up (long story!) and I want to clarify that the smaller one goes with stage 1 and the larger with both hungry and follow on. Is that correct? Are there only 2 scoop sizes and is the smaller one only ever used with stage 1?
Thank you for the message. Yes, you are correct, the smallest scoop will be the Stage 1 scoop. It is noticeably smaller than the other scoops.
I mix 8oz of Hipp formula for my daughter, and if she drinks only half, how long will the other half be good to consume if left at room temperature? How long will it be good to consume if I refrigerate it? Thanks.
Hi, thank you for the post. Best practice is to refrigerate your prepared formula immediately, after which it will last up to 24 hours in refrigeration. Please do not delay more than 5 minutes to refrigerate if you want to reconsume the formula at a later point.
Hello. What is the difference between the German Bio Combiotik 2 and the UK Follow On Combiotic Stage 2 formulas? I’ve been reading through posts, and I know you’ve mentioned the differences between the German and UK formulas, but is that it? Basically, is the UK Follow On Combiotic 2 the UK version for the German Bio Combiotik 2?
Hi, the primary difference is that the German line of the formula contains starch (corn), whereas the UK line of the formula contains no starch. Yes, each formula is designed to meet compliance standards for the respective health departments.
Hi, my son is 5 months old and I am just starting to transition him to HIPP HA. While I had a low supply I breastfed and supplemented with formula (50/50) until now but my supply is drying up and he is getting more and more formula. I’ve made a few bottles of the HIPP HA and it looks more watery than the HIPP Stage 1 and some of the US formula (i.e. Gerber Goodstart which is what we have been supplementing him with previously). Does it have a different formulation than the HIPP Stage 1. We tried Stage 1 but he his stools were not healthy looking. I am still making transitional bottles and just want to make sure that when I make the complete switch over to HIPP HA that he will be satisfied. Also, is there iron in the HIPP HA? Thanks so much!
Hi, thank you for your message. Yes indeed, HiPP HA will be a different consistency from Stage 1 as it contains hydrolyzed milk proteins. One of the reasons starch is included in HA 1 (vs HA PRE) is to give it a thicker consistency for infants–and in this case, it makes sense. But in general it will certainly be of a different consistency than Gerber Goodstart or HiPP Stage 1. There is iron in HA, but if your infant does not actually need a hypo-allergenic formula, you may want to consider switching to Stage 1 for satiety.
Does Hipp Formula Stage 2 and Hipp Formula Stage (for infants over 6 months) have soy and/ or soy based ingredients?
Thank you
Hi, thank you for the comment. Stage 2 Follow On milk does not contain any soy or soy-based ingredients at all.
Hi, what age is Stage 1 formula? when i cant start using stage 2? Also i want to try Hipp Organic Combiotik First Infant Milk Formula Stage 1, can i use it together with powdered formula (one time powdered, one time ready milk), or i should choose only one of them?
Hi, thanks for your message. You can start using Stage 2 Follow On Milk at 6 months, however you will want to start out by supplementing a few feedings of the day instead of a total switch for the first few days to ensure your baby does well. Yes, you can switch feedings between Stage 1 and Stage 2, however you do not want to mix the powders together directly. Instead, make a bottle of each and alternate feedings. The scoop size differs between the two formulas.
I am due with my first child in 6 weeks and just ordered the pre-made Combiotic First Infant Milk for the hospital. I am having a Cesarean delivery that will leave me in the hospital for 4 days. My hospital will only allow a sealed, liquid formula to be brought into the hospital. This seemed like the best choice for her since I am not breast-feeding.
How many bottles should my daughter take? I believe I ordered 3 cases of 6 pre-made formula. (18 bottles) Will this be enough until we come home? (I purchased 1 canister of the powdered formula for home.)
Secondly, compared to US formulas on the market, how MUCH soy does Hipp First Infant Milk contain? I am strongly against giving my daughter ANY soy, but have not found ANY other formula that doesn’t contain it. I saw that your Follow On Milk does NOT contain any soy, which is fantastic news. Why does your First Infant Milk contain soy and your Follow-on Milk doesn’t?
Hi, congratulations on your baby! Your midwives/doctors may hope that you breastfeed, but if you cannot or do not wish to attempt breastfeeding, the liquid Stage 1 is certainly a very good option. It is a high quality formulation and comes in sterile tetra-paks. Please make sure the scissors and preparation area you use are completely clean when opening these and pouring into bottles (you’ll need to sterilize your bottles before going in as well). 18 liquids is okay for the first few days, it will only last 4-5 days, so make sure you have something else after that to follow up on.
The British version of HiPP First Infant does not contain any soy at all–in the powdered form. The liquid contains soy lecithin which is not technically soy. Lecithin is a natural emulsifier and a by product of soy. 99% of people who have soy allergies do not have any allergy to lecithin as it is a derivative of soy but does not contain the phyto-estrogenic properties of soy. Almost everything we eat in a box contains lecithin, from Doritos chips to cereal). However, if this is a concern for you, you can purchase the British line of HiPP powdered milks which does not contain it.
I am very concerned because I have heard about aluminum in Hipp stage 1 infant formula. Can you provide more info about this? Thank you.
Hi, there is no cause for concern regarding the aluminum in infant milks. All infant milks contain aluminum, as the metal (in its salt form, not as an alloy) is found abundantly in the earth’s crust, and enters milk by way of cow grazing. Know that the digestive tract does not readily absorb aluminum. Aluminum is only a concern for situations where it enters the body by other means, such as the blood in vaccination. Here is a link to the full article regarding aluminum concerns:
My baby is current on Alemintum as the pediatrician thought he had a dairy protein allergy. Why is the starch in the German brand not good? Should I first try the UK Stage 1? Also what is the difference between stage 1 and the hungry version?
Hi, thank you for your question. Similac Alimentum is a formula made of hydrolyzed milk proteins, broken down for babies who have milk sensitivity. The equivalent HiPP product to Alimentum is the HA Hypoallergenic formula. HiPP produces HA PRE and HA 1. HA 1 contains starch while HA PRE contains no starch. This is the only time when you might want to consider a formula with starch, because unlike standard formula, HA formulas can be rather thin and pass through the digestive tract too quickly. The starch can ensure your baby stays satiated after feedings. But both formulas are a good organic and gentle alternative to Similac.
Question: if a baby (2 mo in our case) reacts badly to a sudden change in formula (e.g. increased gas resulting in lots of crying) , does that indicate the formula will never work out or can it be simply a matter of an adjustment period of undeterminable length?
Hi, thanks for the question. Not necessarily. The infant digestive system develops in considerable milestones during the first year of life. These turning points usually happen around 4 months, 6 months, and 8-10 months. Many young babies will only do well on breastmilk or a gentle formula in the first several months of life, but these same infants after 4-6 months can tolerate much more. Also remember that whenever you transition formulas in the early months, you need to do this gradually, over many days transitioning out the old formula with the new. Small baby digestive tracts are very delicate and their bodies do not create adequate levels of enzymes to digest all foods.
In addition to being gluten free, does the HiPP HA PRE or HiPP HA 1 contain soy, wheat, fish or corn?
Hi, thank you for your message. Both the HiPP HA PRE and HA 1 will contain LCPs derived from natural fish oil. HA 1 also contains starch (corn), HA PRE does not contain starch. There is no soy or wheat in either formula.
Hi, I’m sorry if I missed this in reading the questions above. My daughter is almost 7 months old. I have exclusively breastfed until now and she has been on Alimentum since last week (she has a dairy and soy protein intolerance). I have noticed some of the ingredients in alimentum are not safe. Is there a formula you guys offer that is a safer alternative to meet my dairy and soy intolerant girls needs? Is it true that your product is likely to have less harmful ingredients?
Hi, thank you for your message. The HiPP alternative to Similac Alimentum is their hypo-allergenic line. The HA formulas start with a PRE, then a Stage 1 and Stage 2, depending on the age of your baby. HiPP’s HA formulas are only partially hydrolyzed, whereas Alimentum is fully hydrolyzed–we see many infants doing very well on HiPP HA, however, you would need to see if it is a good fit for your little one.
So I went to take 7 month old to a dentist and they were talking to us about flouride how after children can spit they can use toothpaste with it but ONLY until the. Because it is bad for them to ingest flouride. So can you tell me why this formula has flouride in it as an ingredient??
Hi, thanks for your question. Traces of flouride are present in all infant formulas. The difference is that the Health Department of the United Kingdom requires the amount of flouride to be stated on the product (unlike in the United States). This flouride is not introduced through the manufacturing of the milk–rather, it is present in the water source. Unfortunately, US manufacturers are not required to state the levels of flouride in US formula, so there is no way for a consumer to compare their levels.
My pediatrician has concluded that our baby may be allergic to milk on account of a recent rash that has come up and the colour and consistency of his stool. My wife has been solely breast feeding, but it doesn’t seem to be enough. We are looking into healthier/safer options to top him up. We are interested in the Hipp Ha hypoallergenic formula. After extensive searching to find a store or a person that ships to Canada, we have found some on ebay. We are noticing that some of the Hip Ha formula’s have the prefix ‘pre’ on the label and some indicate stage 1. What is the difference and what would be best for our 2 month old breast fed baby only needing to top.
Thank you for your help in advance
Hi, thanks for your comment. There are two types of hypo-allergenic formulas from HiPP at two months of age, HA PRE and HA 1. HA PRE contains to starch, whereas HA 1 has the addition of starch. Hypo-allergenic formulas are made by breaking down the milk protein molecule through hydrolysis. The formula becomes much easier for infants to digest who have a sensitivity to milk, but at the same time, it creates a very thin formula. When formula is too thin, it can sometimes (not always) lead to refulx issues. While starch isn’t optimal for babies in the first 4 months of life due to the low enzyme production level to digest it, the addition of starch in this case, with an HA formula, can be a good thing as it thickens the milk, keeping babies more satiated and preventing undue reflux. You may want to get a box of each and see how your baby does. If he does well on PRE, stay with PRE until his sensitivity subsides. But if PRE is too think, you can consider HA 1. Hope this helps.
Hi there! A few months ago I inquired about corn being in the hipp products. He is having some similar reactions to the Hipp HA as to when we were having corn allergy issues. I have learned that the Hipp HA has starch in it—is is possible this starch is derived from corn? We are trying to find out if this is a corn issue or a lactose issue. He has been on the alimentum rtf prior due to the corn, but it is also lactose free. Please let me know what kind of starch is in the Hipp HA as many starches are corn derived. I know corn is not listed as an allergen on the Hipp ingredients, however it typically is not listed on many things containing corn as it is not considered a common allergy.
Hi, HiPP’s German line of formulas contain corn starch. All infant formulas use either a rice or a corn starch. Starch is added to infant formulas to “thicken” the substance, and this can be good for babies who have AR or need to feel full. It gives the formula a creamier consistency-however, as you know from reading our site, it is our opinion that the addition of starch, especially before the 4th month of life, it not desirable. This is why we inform parents and recommend the purchase of the UK British versions of the formula, which are starch-free. There is an HA that is starch-free–the HA PRE. Any of the PRE line in Germany will not contain starch.
My infant has a dairy protein allergy. Is there a formula by hipp that the protein is broken down enough to not be an allergint?
Hi, thanks for the comment. Yes, the hypo-allergenic line of HiPP is what you want to consider. HiPP HA, PRE or HA 1.
My baby will be 9 months soon and has been exclusively breastfed since birth. She is also on two solid meals day with breastmilk along side. I will be starting work soon and will not able to pump enough milk to leave with my baby and will need to supplement with formula after 9 months. Which hipp formula would you suggest I use for her? Hipp stage 1 infant formula or the follow up milk since she is already 9 months old?
HI, thank you for the question. We always recommend Stage 1 coming off of breastmilk because breastmilk can be considerably thinner than formula and Stage 1 will be the closest formula alternative. If she does well on Stage 1 you can try supplementing Follow On milk for a few feedings to benefit from the added iron and then eventually switch over.
If my baby does not finish his bottle, can I refrigerate it and save it for his next feeding?
Hi, thanks for your comment. If you have just freshly prepared the milk and you have feed it immediately, you should be able to refrigerate the remaining formula up until 24 hours.
Hello. I purchased hipp updated formula from another site and I am concerned about authenticity. And also whats the differnce in the updated version. Thanks
My 6 month old has only ever had breast milk. My husband just bought stage 2 Hipp formula. Is this the right one to begin supplementing breast milk? If I wanted to mix with breast milk how would I do that? Do I just add water and a scoop and then warm together?
Hi, Stage 2 Follow On can be used at 6 months, but we always recommend starting with Stage 1 First Infant any time you switch from EBF to formula. This is because formula can be quite thicker than breastmilk, and First Infant is the closest in consistency. Stage 2 is a bit thicker and not all babies will be ready at 6 months for this. Yes, you can certainly mix HiPP with breastmilk. In order to do this, mix the formula first with water at the directed ratio, and then mix in any breastmilk amount you would like. You can warm them together. Remember that breastmilk can be frozen, but formula cannot. Both can be stored in the refrigerator (formula for up to 24 hours).
If my baby does not finish his bottle, is the shelf life in the fridge still 24 hours?
Hi, yes if you freshly prepare the formula, feed and move the remaining formula immediately to refrigeration, it can be used up to 24 hours. When any formula sets out at room temperature, it should be disposed of after 2 hours.
I would like to know if I can safely combine Hipp HA 1 with First Infant is HiPP? Would there be any advantage to doing this? My 6 week old has a sensitive stomach but I still feel the First Infant is HiPP is important for her to have. Am I wrong to assume this?
Hi, thanks for the message. It is not generally advised to combine or interval feedings of hypoallergenic and dairy formula. Essentially, when you have two formulas of the same “family” (ie, dairy and dairy, or HA and HA), you can do this, but not to intermix different “families” of formula. Hypoallergenic formulas contain hydrolyzed milk proteins, suitable for infants with milk sensitivities. Stage 1 instead is derived and adapted from natural organic skim milk. It really depends on what your infant needs. If your little one has a milk sensitivity and cannot take regular formula, then HA may be needed until she is older. If your little one can take Stage 1 without indications of a sensitivity, then it is best to use the more natural formula. Hope this helps!
Hello! Our 4 month old is getting a little bit of breast milk, but mostly Hipp Stage 1 formula right now… and he is doing great with it 🙂 We have tried both the UK and Dutch formulations. I can’t find very much info on the Dutch version. It comes in a tin, 900 g. Wondering if you know if it is similar to the UK or German formulation?
Also wondering what the differences are between Hipp Stage 1 & 2? Wondering when we should switch over.
Thanks so much for your site, it’s very informative!
Hi, the dutch formula will be more similar to the German line, but each country of export will have a slightly different formulation, and you can compare by reading the packaging to our list of ingredients and vitaminerals here. Stage 2 Follow On is designed for infants 6+ months of age. It no longer contains DHA and it has added iron for infants who may not be receiving enough from the weaning diet. Thank you for the comment!
Can I give different type of Hipp formula to mu baby?
Lets say, during the day Stage 1 Bio and Hungry infant before night time?
Thank you so much!
Hi, yes that should not be a problem to switch between Stage 1 and Hungry. It is always advised to start slowly with any new formula to observe how your infant takes to it.
Can you comment on the new HIPP 2 formulation with soy-UK version, thanks
Hi, thank you for clarifying this. There is no soy or soy derivatives in the UK product line, with the exception of the Stage 3 milk, the Good Night milk, and the ready to feed tetra-paks, which contain a very small amount of soy-lecithin as a natural emulsifier. Stage 1, Hungry, and Follow On milk in their powdered form in the UK line contain no soy. Please note that HiPP released a note in May indicating that the new Follow On Milk recipe will contain soy-lecithin as an emulsifier for the milk. The new Follow On milk that contains lecithin will have a pink label indicating “new formula.” As of right now, most retailers are not carrying the new recipe but will eventually in several more months. You may want to verify with your retailer if lecithin is a concern for you. The current ingredient list for the UK formulas is here.
My baby is now 5 months, going on 6 next month. I want to order the formula, so should i order stage 1 instead of stage 2?
We typically recommend only supplementing with Follow On milk for the first several feedings if you are wanting to switch. First Infant milk is the closest in consistency and composition to breastmilk, so we always recommend starting with that. If you would like to supplement some night feedings with Follow On at 6 months, this will allow you to see how your baby does on Follow On milk before moving entirely to it.
Hi, We bought Hipp Organic infant first formula and follow on milk for our baby (being highly recommended by a friend and after reading lots of positive reviews). I just noticed there is slight difference in the ingredients of the two. The infant formula contains DHA and Arachidonic acid whereas, follow on does not. Wondering if you can please explain why the follow on milk does not contain DHA and AA?
Thank you!!
Hi, yes, AA and DHA are important components of the retina of the eye and of the brain and they are therefore of major importance during the visual and neurological development of young babies. AA and DHA can be made from other fats in the diet by babies, but the ability to do so is very limited in the first few months of life, so a dietary source of AA and DHA is desirable to ensure optimum nutrition and development in bottle fed babies in the first 4-6 months of life. After your baby begins the weaning diet, these can be better produced from foods, and so Follow On milk will not contain these additives.
Hi, I would like to switch my,baby from Enfamil to Hipp. He is 21 weeks and still wakes to eat at 11 pm, 2.30 am, 6 am etc… Should I slowly switch him to your Stage 1 during the day and give hungry milk at night?
Hi, thanks for your message. It is best to start your little one on First Infant slowly, yes. You can certainly try supplementing a few feedings at night with Hungry Infant. It may, however, not aid in the waking. Many infants are seeking the comfort of the bottle–and not necessarily the fullness of the milk. If he is downing his bottle and is hungry, then Hungry Infant Milk will help. If he is waking, drinking a little, then going back to sleep, in a pattern, he may be needing soothing, and you could explore different ways of making him feel more comforted and safe.
My 7 month old baby has acid reflux. She is exclusively breastfed but my milk supply is dwindling so I need to switch her to formula. She has a very sensitive tummy and I can only eat 7 foods because she reacts negatively to anything else I eat. She is NOT allergic to dairy or soy, but we don’t know if she could be intolerant. Should we use the HA or the Anti-Reflux?
Hi, I’m so sorry your little one is having tummy trouble. The HA formula is really designed for infants with milk protein sensitivities. The formula is partially hydrolyzed and undergoes a different chemical processing, so unless you really need to use HA, it is better to start with a standard formula. HiPP formula is very gentle. Anti-Reflux will be a formula that is thicker in consistency, so this may help with acid reflux, but keep in mind that formula itself is already a bit thicker than breastmilk by it’s nature, so she may not have AR on formula at all. There is always some trial and error for every mom starting on formula; babies are very different and it may take some time to see what works best for her.
I received a box of Hipp HA1 from My Organic Formula. The date on the bottom reads Jan. 7th 2017 and it is currently Feb. 16th 2017. I placed a new order through a different website (should be here in a couple days) do I need to go buy new formula from the store (which wouldn’t be Hipp because it’s not sold in stores here) or is one month expired for a couple days ok?!?
Thank you for your message. Your formula should never be expired and the manufacturer cannot recommend that you use expired formula. Keep in mind that the date format in European standards is Day-Month-Year, where the month and day is reversed.
Hello. I just received a HIPP formula from Germany and the date of expiration says 1-10-2017. Is this January 10, 2017 or October 10, 2017? I know that in UK the months are read differently than in USA but what about Germany? Thank you.
Thank you for your message. The date in European countries moves in ascending format, Day-Month-Year, so your expiration is October 1, 2017.
Hi! I just recently ordered HiPP stage 1 for my 2.5 week old. I am currently breastfeeding but due to circumstances, have to switch to formula. I have read that HiPP is made to be similar to breast milk (easy to digest etc). Babies on breast milk eat more often than formula babies and have to have a night feeding till about 6 months. Is this the same with HiPP due to it being so similar to breast milk? Or can I space out each feeding further because it won’t go through my baby so quickly? And is the HiPP formula similar to other formulas that night time feedings can end around 4 months? Trying to get an understanding of how often my baby will be hungry (based on the average of other babies. All babies are different thought).
Hi, thank you for your comment. The AAFP American Academy of Pediatrics suggests feeding infants “on demand,” meaning when they require it, whether that be by breastmilk or formula. This is because physiologically a child on a liquid only diet at this early age will not over or under eat when responding to their natural sense of hunger. Formula milk is thicker than breastmilk and does tend to keep infants more full, but regarding night feedings, it is very normal to feed your infant throughout the night with either breastmilk or formula. Children also will drink throughout the night for various reasons other than hunger, including a sense of comfort or simply thirst in dry climates. This can go on into the toddler age without being abnormal (however after one year if your baby is still eating from a bottle at night, you can try switching to water). In general, feeding on demand day and night is recommended until your infant is weaned onto a solid diet.
I can see from previous questions in the thread that the Baby Brezza Formula Pro setting for First Infant Milk is 5, but is this also true for HIPP Comfort? Or, would you recommend a different setting?
Thank you for your comment. Baby Brezza suggests that Comfort milk be mixed with a 4 setting. You can download all of the Baby Brezza settings in the Brezza European Setting Guide which we have linked here for you as a PDF.
I would like to start supplementing my EBF 2 month old with Stage 1 HIPP. Your preparation page says to boil water to prepare the formula. Can I use bottled spring water? What are portable options if I am preparing a bottle outside of my home?
Thank you.
Hi, thank you for the note. The advisement for boiling water is a mandate for all infant formula labeling in the EU. This is not the case in the USA and while we cannot advise you to do anything other than the stated directions by the manufacturer, many parent in the US do not boil water but mix the formula with filtered or nursery water.
I recently purchased hipp ha pre for my one month old son who has a milk protein allergy. With my previous children we used alimentum which worked well for them, but I was never fond of their ingredient list. But my littlest had a reaction to the hipp ha pre. I am trying to figure out how much the proteins are broken down. Do you have any links available to show? I don’t know if I should bother trying alimentum now if the proteins are similar, we may have to skip to an elementa formula this time. Thank you.
Hi, thanks for your message. I hope that we’ve explained this previously, but Similac Alimentum is a fully hydrolyzed formula whereas HiPP HA is partially hydrolyzed. This may be the cause of your son’s reaction if he has a true milk allergy. Only a very small subset of children need an elemental formula, so if your son can do well on a fully hydrolyzed formula like Alimentum, that would be the next step before proceeding to elemental.
Hipp stage 1. Does each bag come with a scoop is there only one scoop per box? Going on travel soon and can’t remember. Can’t find previously used scoop and don’t want to open bag unnecessarily just to check.
Hi, thanks for your message. Yes, each box of infant milk will come with one scoop. The scoop is placed outside of the sealed foil sachet and will be inside the box packing itself.
Hello –
Is HIPP certified by the European equivalent of the USDA?
Additionally, is there any box for HA Combiotik Stage 1 that has English, rather than German? My pediatrician would like to review it.
Hello, thank you for your message. The EU Organic certification is not exactly the same as the USDA certification in regards to milk products, although very similar. Each standard can be strict in varying areas. There is no HA Stage 1 box in English at the moment as it is not exported to English speaking countries, however a translation is available.
Thank you!
Hello, my baby is 18 months old and I’m worried of the soy lecithin in hipp stage 3 milk, can I give him stage 2 or its better to go with stage 3. Please recommend the best option for him. Thanks
Hi, lecithin is a natural emulsifier for infant milk, as well as many other food products. Keep in mind that your infant is well past the 1 year mark and so if you are wanting the healthiest option, a well-balanced food diet, supplemented with a child multivitamin and cow’s milk at this age will deliver all the nutrients he needs with the minimal amount of food processing. While some parents do feed their children a formula milk into 24 months, after 12 months and as your child weans on to natural foods, a formula becomes less critical as the vitaminerals needed for the body can be found in real foods.
Hello –
I have HA-1 (I believe it’s German formula). Each box contains 500g of formula. I have read on various sites that each box should last 1-2 weeks. (Although I’m not sure what product and grams they were referring to.) Our boxes are only lasting a day or two! I feel like something is wrong. Is this correct? We have been following the mixing instructions, either hand-mixing using the 1:1 ratio, or the Baby Breeza Formula Pro on setting #5 (as indicated by their website AND customer service live line.)
I have noticed that the mix is generally bulky and seemingly mixed thick. Both the thickness of the formula and the fact we are going through a box every few days makes me wonder if we are doing something wrong/Baby Breeza Forumla Pro mixer malfunctioning?
Thank you so much!
Hi, thank you for you message. You are doing it all just fine. The confusion may be that 1 box of the UK version of the formula contains 800 grams. The German box contains less but typically costs less per box as well. You are mixing the formula correctly at a 1:1 ratio. You can read the Setting Guide directly from Baby Brezza HERE. Keep in mind the German formulation is in fact a bit thicker/creamier than the UK version of HiPP.
My 6 month old has been bf and formula fed (Similac ALIMENTUM rtf). She has dairy, soy and corn allergies, and I can’t seem to figure out which formulation to give her to avoid corn starch. We were gifted boxes of HA 1 and 2 to try and I’m too nervous! there is no english on the box and I believe the contact address is Austrian or German. Please help… thank you.
Hi, thanks for your message. The HiPP box will not indicate where the vegetable starch is derived, so thank you for asking here. The starch in HiPP is derived from corn, as this tends to be the easiest to digest for infants. If you are looking for an HA formula with no starch, you can try HiPP HA PRE, which is starch-free but still contains the famous HiPP Probiotic.
My baby is allergic to corn and I recently ordered the HiPP Hypoallergenic (HA) Stage 1 Combiotic Infant Milk Formula 500g – 0 Months+. Does this formula contain corn derivatives at all?
Hi, thanks for your question. Yes, the vegetable cellulose in the milk that gives it a creamy consistency is derived from corn. This is true in all HiPP infant milk with the exception of HiPP PRE, which contains no vegetable starch. If your baby is allergic only to corn, and not to milk proteins, HiPP PRE should work just fine.
Corn and rice starch are customarily added to infant milk because there is some evidence by clinical trials that they can aid in helping with reflux for babies, although a better understanding is still needed. The starch is a natural thickening agent that is useful in many ways to maintaining the composition of the milk. First Step Nutrition Trust wrote an excellent white paper on UK infant milk composition entitled “Infant Milk in the UK: A Practical Guide for Health Professionals” You can download it from the link. The studies done on corn starch are on page 42. Rice starch has been shown to cause constipation, and so corn is the vegetable starch of choice for most manufacturers.
I have a 6 month old and was using the Hipp HA Combiotic Stage 1 formula and noticed the Hipp HA Combiotic Stage 2 is for 6 month and older. I am using the HA version because she has a milk sensitivity. Should I be switching to the Stage 2? What is the difference?
Hi, thanks for your message. You can use Stage 1 HA until 1 year of birth if you would like. HiPP HA 2 has a slight tailoring of the vitamineral nutrients to suit the infant at this age. The primary difference is more iron (HA 1: 0.7mg, HA 2: 1.0mg, as of the posting of this comment) –however, if your infant is weaning well (starting to eat a food diet), your infant should be getting a better source of iron through whole foods. If you feel the weaning diet is not providing iron, then Stage 2 may be good for your baby.
I’m starting to supplement formula in with breastfeeding at 7 months old. Is it best to start with stage 1 or 2? Also, most importantly I’m wondering if it is possible to freeze the powder formula as I will not use the whole box in a month’s time? Thank You
Hi, thanks for your question. It is always recommended that you start with Stage 1 when you switch exclusively to formula. This is because formula can be a bit thicker and more difficult to digest starting out for a breastfed baby. It certainly depends on your infant. If he is weaning already, you may do just fine with Stage 2, or a best strategy would be a few bottles of Stage 1, and then slowly 1/2 Stage 1 to 1/2 Stage 2, and work him/her onto Stage 2. Stage 1 can be used until 1 year of age, so this is what we would recommend.
Unfortunately, the manufacturer cannot recommend that the formula ever be used past its expiry for infants, even if it is frozen. If you are purchasing formula from a retailer, you may want to inquire as to what the expiration dates are on their current batches.
Is it possible to mix Hipp formula with water that is at room temperature instead of 45-50°C? Or does it have an impact on the nutritional/digestive qualities of the milk? I am using the standard stage 1 combiotik formula and the anti-reflux formula.
Many thanks.
Hello, thanks for your comment. There is no impact to the mineral salts or vitamins if you use room temperature water. Yes, many parents will use room temperature nursury or filtered water without issue. The requirement for heating the water is regarding Europe’s regulations for the labeling of infant formula.
Hello, my baby is 10 months old and 100% breast fed. In the past, I tried feeding her Hipp stage one combiotik powder formula (a couple of times) but she refused. Now that she is ten months I would like to try feeding her formula again. Can I start with the ready made formula or should I start with powder formula? Also, do you recommend stage one, two or three for powder formula. And, what about ready made formula, should I start with stage one or three (since stage 2 is not available now). thank you.
Congratulations on such tenure with breastfeeding, a wonderful thing for your infant. The ready to feed formula is perhaps slightly sweeter and slightly thinner in consistency to the powdered milk. However you might consider–if you are still breastfeeding the infant, that you can thin the powdered milk with breastmilk and see if she takes it. Breastmilk is indeed thinner in consistency to formula and often, this can be a barrier for the infant adjusting to formula milk. You can mix your breastmilk with formula, which will thin the consistency but provide the requisite nutrition. To do this, mix the formula with WATER as directed, and then add your breastmilk to the bottle (do not use your breastmilk as the substitute for water, add your breastmilk to a prepared mixture). Both can be refrigerated together (although this cannot be frozen).
Regarding Stage 2, Stage 2 has added iron–and this salt can be difficult for small infants to digest in an introductory fashion. This is all very unique to the infant. There have been some infants challenged at 10 months to digest the full gram of iron in the Stage 2 milk–although generally at about 8 months most all of them are fully capable. Stage 2 is intended to provide more iron as an infant’s birth storage of iron is depleted, however if you are weaning the infant on iron-rich foods, Stage 1 will provide the requisite nutrition for your child up to 12 months. Stage 1 is generally recommended when introducing formula to a breastfed infant. You can also mix Stage 1 and 2 as a way to gradually introduce Stage 2.