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HiPP Formula Reviews

HiPP Organic Reviews by Parents

Reviews from other parents can be invaluable for finding answers to your baby’s specific needs, whether your baby has bowel sensitivity or you are just looking for a formula that is the next best alternative to breast milk.  The reviews below are all non-solicited reviews from parents who purchased HiPP formula.  

One of the best
“I have been trying different organic formulas and have just started trying foreign brands. For those of you unaware, there is not 1 brand of American baby formula that isn’t questionable and most are straight up poison. Baby’s Only is basically the only 1 fit for human consumption and without any GMOs, pesticides, chemicals, etc but has too much sugar and causes constipation. If you still won’t see the light and want a reasonably priced American brand put melted coconut oil in the bottle for constipation caused by Baby’s Only, and it is also acceptable for infants.If you have had your baby on any American formula, putting your baby on Hipp will be like your baby flipping a switch. Your baby will likely go from digestive problems and crying a lot to being happy and sleeping a lot. Mine sleeps all night. The reaction to Hipp and Holle is not much different from breast milk in how my boy likes to drink it and his body’s reaction. Don’t feel guilty about not breast feeding at all or not enough because my son is quite big for his age and a lot is height and heavy bones. It is hard to tell the difference between him and a totally breast fed baby because he is very healthy. I have not noticed much difference because the formula I was using before was Holle and whatever amount of breast milk I can produce (never enough). They are both excellent and the baby didn’t seen to react at all to the transition. Holle does not have soy in it. Hipp has probiotics, natural fish oil, and does contain soy. It all depends on which ingredients you prefer, how your baby reacts, and what deals you can find online if price is your main concern. Hipp and Holle are both excellent.

Happy to find it
“I’ve been breastfeeding my 8 month old but wanted a good quality formula to feed in a pinch or to mix a very small quantity into a puree. I searched around for a good organic formula here in the states but I couldn’t be 100% confident about the quality, then I heard of this formula from the UK so I thought I’d give it a try. It really is great, it has simple ingredients and it actually tastes good, nice and fresh and simple (yes, I’ve tried it lol), no weird chemical “formula” smell either, my baby loves it. A carton of this has lasted me a long time considering I don’t use very much of it. I hope it gains popularity in America so that it can become more readily available to other parents in the future.”

This is the best baby formula!
I do not usually write reviews but this product truly deserves a 5 star review. My baby is almost 4 months old now. She tried basically every formula in the US market except Earth Best. None of the formulas work for her. Similac sensitive constipates her, Enfamil Gentleease made her #2 smells horrible, Baby’s Only formula gave her really bad constipation. We even tried the expensive lactose free formula but man did they taste and smell horrible! We finally settled with Good Start Soothe but it gave baby dark green poo and soon my baby refused to drink and could only drink about 24 oz max at 3.5 month old. Sometimes my baby was really fussy while drinking. I was in tears thinking that my baby’s stomach would not tolerate if I switched her to another formula. Bought this from the UK when she was 2 months old but I was too scared to switch formula for her so I settled with Good Start Soothe but was never completely satisfied. Sometimes my baby would refuse to drink and I would have to give her early stage baby food (too early for that but if your baby refused to drink then you gotta to what you have to do). At 3.5 months I decided to give this a try. Oh my, what a world of difference! She drinks 7 oz every time now! She only drank 4 oz last week! Her poo turned from dark green to yellow and don’t smell funky anymore! She Slept over night from 11:00 to 8:00! Though in the first two days I saw rashes on her tummy but I guess it was a detox reaction or something. Today is the 3rd day and her rash disappeared! I use HIPP ORGANIC Hungry Baby for her last feed at night and that helps a great deal because it is more satisfying. All US formulas are junk and this is the only one that works for my baby. For those of u who wonder how many oz per box can make, one box has two packs and each pack can make approximately 96 oz. One box can make about 192 oz which last me about 8 days. Highly recommended!”

It sounded fantastic so I figured I would give it a go
“After finding out I have IGT, and not having prepared to give my son formula, I set out researching every possible organic formula on the market. Once I found out how scary US brand formulas are, I came accross Holle. Being the amazon addict that I am, I hopped on to see if I could order it here. As soon as I typed it in, Hipp popped up so I began reading everything I could find on it. It sounded fantastic so I figured I would give it a go. I had tried the Earth’s Best soy – not a fan after a few bottles so we tried the Earth’s Best regular and he acctually took it. The only problem was it constipated him and he was only pooping once a day! Four days later I received the Hipp and within hours his system got moving again. Well I reordered 4 boxes right away but ran out before the next shipment arrived. I didn’t realize how amazing this stuff really was!!! I have one fussy, constipated baby until our next batch arrives :(This stuff is the real deal and shipping was much faster than expected. Other reviewers were right, their poop gets very close to breast fed poop! So glad I stumbled upon this! Small piece of advice, order more than 1 box when you are trying it out and thank me later.”

great formula
“This is the only organic formula i could find that doesn’t have a type of sugar (cane sugar, brown rice syrup, etc) as one of the first ingredients. i use it to supplement breastfeeding and my 6 month old loves it. we have been using it for about 2 months now!”

Formula made of ingredients you would want your baby to eat
“As far as formulas go this is one of the best – the ingredients are milk/whey based not rice syrup or some other hideous industrial product. The formula meets the far higher organic standards set in Europe. The DHA is fish based not algae derivative. It also has one of the lowest aluminum contents of the formulas that are out there. Oh and it actually looks like milk. In terms of cost although there is a significant markup on the price in the UK, the cost per serving is about the same as the US organic products – this package contains twice as much as a the standard US container.”

If your baby needs formula, this is the only kind you should buy!
“Very impressed with this formula. Her poop is yellow like a breast feed baby, and it doesn’t bother her and make her gassy like enfamil did. This is as close to BM as you’re gonna get I think. I did the math and calculated the ratio from a 100ml feed (made with about 3 ounces of water) to the 5 fl oz feeds like the nutrition labels say in the US on all the formulas sold here. The Calories, fat and protein, vitamins etc is comparable/the same practically. I just wish that pediatricians in the states knew about this product. I’m pretty sure that Gerber, Similac, Enfamil etc. pay the FDA not to approve this for sale in the US. It is sold in every other country!! (Just one of the many reasons why I love Amazon!) There are no GMO products, and the Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids are collected naturally, not by means of a chemical wash on algae like all the other “organic” formulas. It does say that there is fluoride in the formula, but they don’t ADD it. They have to list is as an ingredient because fluoride is present in it, since it’s found in everything naturally, so you don’t have to find a special water without fluoride, like distilled water or something like that, you can use regular tap water.. (I wouldn’t recommend distilled, because is it missing so many good minerals).”

“I ordered this formula because here in the US, the baby formulas and infested with corn syrup AND sugar AND GMOS and anything else you would write on a list that a growing beautiful baby just does not need. I investigated and researched and found this formula to be recommended to be the absolute best so i ordered it.”

Great product
“I wanted to use formula just for supplementing. My baby totally rejected enfamil. And similac did not suit him at all – his face would turn red after drinking it and he wud just cry. So I wanted something gentle. Then I tried hipp since it seems to be really simple from the ingredient list compared to any other American formula. It worked well for my baby and he did not reject it. I will not say that it tastes like breast milk. It doesn’t and it cannot. But it tastes a lotttt better (less chemically) than enfamil or similac. I do not like the packaging a lot. Formula in a foil bag is just a bad idea and it’s very inconvenient so ducking 1 star for that. I hope they can improve the packaging.

“I have been mixing this with half breastmilk and half formula but my son chugs it down and doesn’t seem to notice the difference.”

I was supplementing the first 3m. The taste is almost real milk. My baby loved it and she doubled her weight in a month. There are too bags inside and one should not be open for more than 3 weeks so there is a little waste when the baby is newborn. I dont really like the aluminium bags that hold the milk but similar are cans inside too. Nothing is ideal and better than mothers milk but this is the closest you can get here is usa and boy, i do believe more in european brands as there are more restrictions. No corn sirup and those s?,t but really taste it and you will now.”

Best formula ever!
“My breastfed baby girl needed supplementation & I began to research formula. I was appalled the more I discovered & decided organic was the way to go. We tried Similac, Baby’s ONLY Lacto Relief, BO Soy, BO Dairy & finally Hipp!!! She began to settle down & her tummy troubles backed off & all diaper rash was gone within a few days. She now has breastmilk type bowl movements & is one happy healthy baby girl. Thanks Hipp”

Really great and my girls love it
“This formula seems to be a lot healthier than our regular earths best, with the pro and pre biotics and not based on corn syrup. It is expensive, but we are willing to pay for the quality.”

Too bad we can’t make such a good formula here
“I ordered this before I found out my baby is super soy sensitive. Every US formula I tried made him miserable. I could find only one formula anywhere without soy and that is what we use but this would definitely be my next choice. I ended up using this when I ran out of Holle and the shipment still hadn’t arrived. He did the best on this out of any formula containing soy. Way less gas, no rash, way less suffering and his poo was like breastmilk poo. It smelled good, tasted good (for formula) and he ate it without complaint (he used to actually turn away from some of the US formulas). If your baby is sensitive, this or Holle are the best choice in my humble (and researched) opinion.”

It sounded fantastic so I figured I would give it a go
“After finding out I have IGT, and not having prepared to give my son formula, I set out researching every possible organic formula on the market. Once I found out how scary US brand formulas are, I came accross Holle. Being the amazon addict that I am, I hopped on to see if I could order it here. As soon as I typed it in, Hipp popped up so I began reading everything I could find on it. It sounded fantastic so I figured I would give it a go. I had tried the Earth’s Best soy – not a fan after a few bottles so we tried the Earth’s Best regular and he acctually took it. The only problem was it constipated him and he was only pooping once a day! Four days later I received the Hipp and within hours his system got moving again. Well I reordered 4 boxes right away but ran out before the next shipment arrived. I didn’t realize how amazing this stuff really was!!! I have one fussy, constipated baby until our next batch arrives :(This stuff is the real deal and shipping was much faster than expected. Other reviewers were right, their poop gets very close to breast fed poop! So glad I stumbled upon this! Small piece of advice, order more than 1 box when you are trying it out and thank me later.”

Next to breast, this is the best!
“After trying several American “organic” formulas, including those labeled “sensitive”, this is the only brand that didn’t constipate and irritate my newborn’s digestive system. I’m only having to supplement with 4-8oz a day, but everything else we tried made his stools solid and gave him screaming fits of gas. Not only does it have the added prebiotics to aid in digestion, it has natural fish oil for brain and eye development instead of all those harsh lab created chemicals they label as DHA and ARA. If you’re breast feeding and weaning or needing to supplement, this is a guilt-free alternative. We won’t be using anything else!”

I love this formula
“I love this formula…it is so much better than the US organic formulas available. The consistency, smell and taste are vastly superior to the other brands I have tried. My baby has never been constipated or had any issues at all.The packaging annoyed me at first because you get 2 bags in each box and it is not easy to measure the formula from these bags. However, I now just use a scale to weigh the amount required and so I can pour the powder straight from the bag. I also appreciate that the formula is kept fresh longer by 2 separate bags instead of 1 canister.”

I really like this formula
“I really like this formula. I am needing to supplement about one 5oz bottle a day because I do not make enough breastmilk. After tons of research I decided to go with this product. The US options for formula are very disappointing and full of unnecessary ingredients, some of which are literally toxic.One of the things I really like is that you use one scoop per one oz of water unlike Similac and Enfamil where you have to make it in 2 oz increments. Because of this there is less waste. Also, Similac seemed to be more thick and very foamy after shaking to mix – that is not the case with this formula.”

BEST formula ever.
“I absolutely LOVE this stuff. So thankful to have found it as I am going back to school and my milk supply is gone. I feel good giving my son this stuff. I don’t have to worry about GMOs. Regarding the aluminum, I called Similac and Enfamil and they also admitted to aluminum and other heavy metals being in their formulas. It is naturally occurring and no way around it. I emailed HiPP and they responded to me promptly and sent me several pieces of literature regarding the issue. I feel confident after doing my research and will continue to feed this to my son until he is 12 months old.”

100% Organic, 100% non GMO
“This is an absolutely amazing product if as a parent you are wanting the best for your child. 100% Organic, 100% non GMO. Our 4 month preemie needed formula supplementation with breast feeding and she took to this like it was as natural as mother’s milk. If you have the time there are other providers but if you are running short, this is the place to go. PS 800 grams is 3 times the size of the standard cans you get at the local store that are filled with chemicals and science experiments! No gas or bad reactions, just one healthy and happy baby.”

Best milk for baby!
“Love love love this formula! We were originally on Enfamil (after stopping breastfeeding at 6 months) and found out that it contained GMO. We then searched for organic formula but couldn’t find any safe formula in the states! They all had 1 or more ingredient that should not be in infant milk. We received this in just about 6 business days and everything was intact. Very happy that baby is doing great on this milk. It really does contain fish oil instead of chemically produced DHA and ARA (you can smell the fish oil and feel the oiliness on the bottle). Definitely recommend this milk instead of any other milk in the states!”

Best Formula you can buy!
“While I planned on exclusively breast feeding, I spent some time researching the very best formula, just in case.
As it turned out, due to medical reasons, my milk supply was very low and I was forced to supplement. My son has loved this formula right from the start. I’ve had to use other formula when we have run out (I have tried gerber goodstart, Similac, and one other organic formula) and they all smelled pretty bad. Also, corn syrup solids was the sweetening agent. In fact Similac made my son act very hyper.I highly recommend this formula. Also- in case you are wondering how long it will last- my son now goes through one box per week approximately.
He takes about 30 oz per day of formula, but only drinks 25 oz of this formula plus one bottle of the hungry infant milk from Hipp at night time. I also recommend that formula as I think he sleeps a bit longer with that formulation.”

Loving this formula!
“We love this formula. I wanted our daughter to be on an organic formula to supplement breast feeding. We had tried Earth’s Best but she didn’t seem to like the taste. We also tried Baby’s Only but every time I made a bottle there was an inch of foam which bothered me. She was most recently on Alimentum which is greasy and gross. I read about this formula and gave it a shot. The very first day we gave it to her she ate 6 ounces more than normal. Every day since then she has eaten 6-8 ounces more than when she was on the other formulas. Also, when she was on the Alimentum, her poo was dark green/almost black. Now her poo is similar to that of breast fed babies – cream/yellowish. I feel so much better giving her formula now that we are using HIPP. “

thank goodness I found this!
Like my diaper journey, I feel like I’ve tried them all. Similac, Enfamil, Gerber Goodstart, Baby’s Onlyand now Hipp. This is really a great product. The flavor is as close to breastmilk as I’ve been able to find without horrible processed sugars. The consistency is great and it’s easy to mix – no lumps. Prebiotics help with constipation. Our son hasn’t had any trouble since we switched. It takes a really long time to ship from the UK, so I’ve ordered a bunker store worth of formula to get me through the first year because I’m committing to Hipp. It was a difficult decision to stop breastfeeding, but I’m really comforted knowing I’m feeding my son the best alternative.”

best formula ever
“best formula! they use lactose instead of other cheap sugars like corn syrup! Nice simple organic ingredients and my baby loves it. She doesn’t get constipation or gas on this brand. The only thing I’d prefer is that they don’t use palm oil. I called the company to inquire and they said they use a mixture of vegetable oils one of them being palm oil. If they omitted that ingredient this would be even better.”

Second best to breast milk
“My baby is breast fed and formula fed. I have tried Gerber, Earth’s Best and Baby’s only .My babies stool was very hard and she had such a hard time with her bowel movement. I had to add Gerber colic sooth drops and occasionally I had to give her 1 oz of water. She started Hipp 1 week ago and what a change!!! Her stool looks like breast fed baby’s, she has regular bowel movement and she also sleeps better. I received package in 5 business days, which was faster that estimated date. I highly recommend this formula to any parent. If you can afford it, this is the best food you can feed your baby, after breast milk.”

Highly recommended
“Great formula for mothers who are formula feeding. Safe ingredients no sugar. High quality infant formula than all the crappy ones made in the u.s loaded with sugars and chemicals”

No fishy smell, baby loves it!
“Great formula, compared to the USA brands it’s just awesome! It tastes really good, doesn’t have fishy smell like the formulas made in USA. Delivery was very fast too”

Great product!
“I was looking for an organic formula without all of the “junk” and found this product. Unfortunately, after a few months of using this product we had to switch to a another formula as baby was not able to digest protein on her own which led to colic like symptoms. Otherwise I would still be using this formula. I can’t recommend this product enough! I intent to order more for baby number 2.”

Best milk!
“Deliver the products very quickly. My 4 month daughter does not likes other milk, but like this one very much! It is easily digested!”

“I did extensive research on baby formula before my baby was born. I have PCOS, and that often leads to breast milk supply problems so I wanted to have a box of formula ready just in case. The pediatrician approved it (I did this beforehand because I was pretty sure the hospital wouldn’t be familiar with it…plus, they are obligated to “push” certain brands, none of which I would ever let past my child’s lips, even so called organic versions…), I brought the sealed box to the hospital with me the day I gave birth in case my milk was slow to come in. The nurses wouldn’t let me give it to her. I was livid. Thankfully, my milk came in a few hours later but I was ready to have my husband sneak in a bottle rather than give her chemical, corn syrup and GMO-laced US formulas they had to offer. There was NO WAY that junk was going to be the first thing that hit my newborn baby’s little body. Down the road, I did indeed have breast milk supply issues and needed to supplement with formula. My baby took this as readily as my breast milk and had absolutely no problems with digestion. I did dilute it a little further than the box indicates because it was a bit thick. This didn’t have any impact on her growth, she always gained the textbook amount of weight expected at each checkup and is as healthy, smart and strong as can be. My baby is 14 months old now, still using HiPP formula (stage 4) to supplement her diet, though she is a VERY good eater. As I have noted in other reviews of HiPP products, this is a product of Germany…you will not find GMOs or other junk in their formulas. They’re banned in many parts of Europe. I recommend HiPP to all of my friends. They’ve all loved it as well.”

So happy to have found this!
I’m not able to breastfeed so I wanted to find the best organic formula I could. I ended up using Baby’s Only, which is the only formula I felt comfortable with in the US, but it gave my baby terrible gas and constipation and I realized I’d have to find something else. I refused to use a non-organic brand that contained GMO’s and chemicals so I decided to give the HiPP a try after reading a lot of positive reviews. I am thrilled to say that my baby is so much more comfortable and happy on this formula. I have to feed him more often on this formula because he’s hungrier, but it seems to mimic breast milk more closely. His bowels movements are soft and yellow now instead of very hard and brown, and the best part is no more screaming fits of gas pain! It is so worth the wait and expense of having it shipped here from the UK.”

Great stuff!
“I love the formula! Our baby is much happier. Thanks! High quality stuff!”

Baby loves this formula
“I love this formula. Due to unforeseen circumstances I was not able to breastfeed my baby. I was really disappointed and tried to find the best formula for my baby. I love this formula. It mixes really well, my 3 month old seems to really like it. And best of all, it doesn’t make my baby constipated, like other formulas we’ve tried. In fact while on this formula, she was regular as clockwork. I’m reordering, but have run out, so we’re back to her old formula and poor baby is bound up even with the probiotics I’m giving her.”

Best Formula out there!!!
“One of the best purchases I’ve ever made. Compared to all the nasties that are in our American formulas. Hipp Formula is an amazing product and knowing that my child is getting the right nutrition with the best ingredients makes me very happy.”

love it
“better than the stuff you can find on US shelves. we have to supplement formula with the breast milk my son is getting, and i feel better giving him this because of its ingredients.”

Great organic formula
“Did my research because I needed to supplement with formula & didn’t want to give my baby boy GMO’s etc. Baby’s Only made him terribly constipated & Earth’s Best’s DHA was sketchy.”

great supplemental formula for our breastfed baby
“we started using this formula when our son was around 5 months as a supplement to breastmilk. My son has had no issues with it and the ingredients are actually things that I feel good about as opposed to other organic formulas which seem to have a lot chemicals in them.” is for informational purposes only. While we attempt to ensure product information is correct, the manufacturer may alter their ingredient lists. Actual product packaging and materials may contain more and/or different information than that shown on this website. We recommend that you do not solely rely on the information presented and that you always read and follow labels, warnings, and directions before using or consuming a product. This product may not be right for you. For additional information about a product, please contact the manufacturer directly. Content on this site is for reference purposes and is not intended to substitute for advice given by a physician, pharmacist, or other licensed health-care professional. You should not use this information as self-diagnosis or for treating a health problem or disease. Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem. We assume no liability for inaccuracies or misstatements about products. is not a HiPP distributor nor officially associated with the HiPP manufacturing company. This sit is for informational purposes only.