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Storing & Measuring Tips for your HiPP Milk

HiPP Milk comes in a box, ecologically better for the environment and less costly to the consumer.  The box is designed so you can level off the formula and store the scoop on the box side, but I’ve found that the Gerber plastic bins work great for storing your HiPP formula and getting an even scoop.  Buy any Gerber Soothe, Gentle, or Good Start formula bin and simply peel off the label.  Gerber is roughly 650g, so one package of HiPP formula will fill the bin perfectly, last you forever, and make it super easy to make those night time bottles with one hand!  The bin is also not round but square, making it very easy to level the scoop right on the inside wall (again with one hand).  And, the little blue HiPP scoop fits perfectly laid on the top inside plastic of the bin, meaning you won’t need to search for the scoop inside the formula.

Competitor packaging gets a plus for this one!




  1. Zia Kain says:

    In regard to using a Gerber container for storing Hipp, we are doing that and it’s quite handy. However, should we cleaning the bin periodically? I’m also concerned about the remnants of powder that are at the bottom from the previous batch of formula since it’s supposed to be used within three weeks. Please advise.


    Zia Brown

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thank you for the question. The manufacture’s recommendation is actually not to decant the formula into any bin, but this is done consistently by parents for ease (or for mixing as with a Baby Brezza) and it is the reality of formula feeding for many. If you are using alternative storage, it is advisable to ensure that your bin be kept completely dry, (most important) and to clean after opening every new box of formula. Thanks for asking!

  2. Max Avery says:


    We just purchased your HiPP and wondered if we can mix it with “Gerber Nursery” water, you know, the distilled water, as opposed to boiling water overnight?

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thank you for the post. You will want to look at our page on PREPARATION to understand whether it would be appropriate for your infant to use a distilled/artesian filtered water without boiling. It is generally considered safe in the US however our page will give you more details as to why boiled water is recommended, especially in the first 4 weeks after birth.

  3. Karen Young says:

    I can not find any information on how long and open box of HIPP powdered formula will stay fresh. Also, is it best to store the powder in the frig or at room temperature?

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, the manufacturer recommends using the opened sachet or bin of formula (essentially any formula exposed to air) within 3 weeks of opening. The formula was designed to last through this recommendation at a room temperature. If it is very hot in your environment, above 76F, then yes, it would be best to store in the refrigerator.

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