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Understanding the HiPP Organic Formula Line

From First Infant Stage 1 to Growing Up Stage 4

The following list a complete product line for HIPP Infant formulas, from birth until 24 months (if you are looking for HiPP Hungry, it has been discontinued!):

HiPP Stage 1: Dairy-based HiPP organic formula suitable from 0-12 months

HiPP Stage 2: Dairy-based HiPP organic follow on formula suitable from approximately 6-12 months

HiPP Growing Up Stage 3: Dairy-based HiPP organics growing up formula from 12-24 months

HiPP Growing Up Stage 4: Dairy-based HiPP organic growing up formula beyond 24 months

HiPP Anti-Reflux: Dairy-based HiPP acid-reflux formula suitable from birth to 12 months

HiPP Comfort: Partially hydrolyzed (non-dairy) HiPP formula suitable from birth to 12 months




  1. Eddie says:


    I just stumbled onto your website and was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me? I love this product but can’t find it any more in the US since Amazon no longer carries it. Where can you purchase it?

    Regarding the different stages, I live overseas and can not get Hipp where I am located so I am struggling deciding which stages to buy and have shipped to me. Currently my son is 4 months old and we supplement with 1 Stage 1 bottle at night. We have enough stage 1 for another 7 weeks and then was going to switch to stage 2, which we have enough for 7 weeks more. Therefore, I’m torn which products to order now. I was toying with the idea of just getting stage 1. However, it is interesting that you say there is not a big difference between stage 1 & stage 2. In your experience what would you suggest?

    Have you found that the Stage 3 satisfies your baby better at night?

    Also does stage 2 & 3 use the same amount of scoops per serving?

    Thanks for your help!


  2. HiPP USA says:

    Thanks for the question. We just updated the posting with a complete side-by-side chart comparing the different formula stages. Personally, we have kept our daughter on HiPP Stage 1 and will keep her on it until she’s a year old since HiPP confirms the formula is nutritionally complete until that age. We have a tiny little girl, though, and Stage 1 seems to satisfy her just as well as Stage 2. I imagine HiPP developed Stage 2 because Stage 1 didn’t always satisfy.

    There is more casein in Stage 1 (a milk protein) and this makes it easier to dissolve in water and I would assume also slightly easier to digest for newborns. The other two stages are of a thicker consistency in the bottle because of the extra whey protein. The scoops are slightly larger for the Stage 2 and 3 formulas as well.

    What’s best? I guess it depends on your little one. In the US, most of the formulas have much more iron than HiPP’s stage one. I prefer the lower iron content, but if you feel you want more iron, then moving to Stage 3 at 6 months is probably a good idea. I am not certain, but I believe HiPP only manufactuered Stage 1 and 3 long ago, so I would think it’s fine to stay on Stage 1 and move up to Stage 3 when you are ready.

    I hope this helps!

  3. Ashleigh says:

    I’m switching my 11 week old from enfamil to hipp. I was only able to nurse for 6 weeks and had to stop due to medical reasons. Should I order stage 1, 2, or 3. What site has the best value? Thank you!

    • HiPP USA says:

      HiPP recommends that all parents begin with Stage 1, as it is nutritionally closest to breastmilk and has the appropriate levels of vitamins and mineral for children up to 6 months old. Stage 2 is a supplemental formula with a different whey/casein ratio that can be used at birth, but is only recommended if your infant is not satisfied with Stage 1. Hope this helps!

  4. Lauren says:

    I have a 7 month old baby and I just started using stage one this week. I was only able to breast feed for one month. Since up until this week she was on horrible enfamil. She is always hungry since she was born. She never seems satisfied even if I give her extra milk. She will literally eat until she spits it up. I limit her to no more than 7oz a feeding. Should I keep her on stage 1 and maybe at night give her stage 2? or stage 3? She also eats baby food that i make for her twice a day.

    • HiPP USA says:

      Congratulations on your beautiful little daughter. Yes, you could certainly try Stage 2. It is in fact a “denser” powder and will be more filling. Stage 3 is also the same, with even more calories and a higher iron content. In fact, I would recommend moving directly into Stage 3 since your daughter is 6+ months old, eating baby food, and unsatisfied. Stage 3 has the most calories, so this will give you the best indication of whether changing the formula will help her be more satisfied. HiPP also makes a Good Night Milk, which is their formula with an added amount of cereals. This you’d only be able to use once a day (as recommended) but could supplement her during the night. In truth, however, on a personal note, once our own baby started eating real food, we found that the absolute best thing to satisfy her tummy was…cottage cheese! 13-15g of protein in a serving, milk-based, organic available, easy to swallow. She still eats it before falling asleep or after meals where I see she only picked at the food. No formula has been able to match!

  5. Selena says:


    I have family in singapore who purchase Hipp for me to bring to the US, and I noticed that the Hipp I got are usually made in Germany vs UK. Do you know if the Germany made stage 2 Hipp is suitable for my 6-month old? I just switched her to stage 2 a few days ago and I feel like she’s a bit constipated but I’m out of stage 1. Should I order stage 1 made in UK again? That’s what she drank her first 6 months since I ordered them online.

    I also wanted to ask if you were concerned with Hipp in the news about it’s high aluminum levels? I’m worried but I do love Hipp!

    • HiPP USA says:

      The German Bio line of HiPP is similar to the Combiotic line but is a slightly different formulation with no prebiotics and no probiotics. But yes, the Stage 2 is for the same age level in both lines. One thing to keep in mind is that the Bio line contains starch solids, whereas the Combiotic line (at least the British formulation) does not. No one can say for sure, but many parents who try formulas like Baby’s Only with glucose syrup solids (made from the hydrolysis of starch) experience constipation. Although these glucose solids are an approved carbohydrate for infant formulas, the common demoninator amongst anecdotal parental complaints regarding constipation seems to be the starch. The Combiotic line does not contain this, which is why we feel it’s an excellent all-around product for babies.

      Regarding the recent UK study detailing aluminum levels in all the main brand british infant formulas, I plan to post an entire page about the issue to put parents at ease. I actually contacted the senior author of the paper directly, and I feel that the assumptions made in the paper were flawed, not only in their premise but also in methodology. I have the good fortune of being schooled in some academic medicine, so you should soon see a full article on the subject shortly. Meanwhile, whether it’s a concern, we would say it’s not any more of a concern than the aluminum that we all respirate daily in large cities (are you surprised? We actually breathe aluminum and most of us eat it daily). Unfortunately, “aluminum” is a “hot” word to throw around that the media easily picks up on, likely because of the issues surrounding vaccination, alzheimers, and a host of other chronic diseases. This can be incredibly confusing to parents who not only do not know the extent of the aluminum discussion but also do not know how to read open access journal studies to really verify whether the data is compeling or not.

  6. candace says:

    My daughter is 6 months old and is currently drinking 6 ounces of breast milk each feeding and is also on solid foods served 2x-day. My supply is running low and I gradually wanted to start supplement ing. I’ve read that stage one is closest to breast milk (which i like)and stage 3 provides more calories and iron. I’m not sure which stage to go with. What do you recommend?

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, we always recommend starting with Stage 1 since it it easiest to digest, especially transitioning from breastmilk. Formula in itself is generally more filling than breastmilk, so you might find she doesn’t need the extra calories. Once she is comfortable on Stage 1, you could supplement her night time feedings with Stage 3 and then ultimately transition her over. Stage 3 contains more iron and a little bit more caloric intake as you mentioned. If you wanted to start her straight away on Stage 3, that is entirely up to you–and since she’s eating well each day, she will likely do just fine!

  7. Nobe says:

    Hi, when can I order the hipp toddler formula and hipp pouch in US? Thank you.

    • HiPP USA says:

      We should be able to get the toddler milk to you very shortly, within a week, thank you!

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, we have a partnership with BritishSuperstores and you can purchase Stage 4 from them now. Thanks for the message!

  8. Michelle says:

    Hi, I’m breastfeeding my 3 week old but need to wean due to a milk protein issue ages having so I’m going to order your ha combiotic but do I start with PRE OR STAGE 1? And why is it not avail on here?

  9. andrew says:

    hi, my baby just turned 1 last week and we’ve had him on stage 3 for a while. I mistakenly ordered stage 1 though. We are also in the process of weining him off formula to regular milk. Is it advisable to use the stage 1 formula during this weining process or not? thanks!

    • HiPP USA says:

      Thank you for your question. You can certainly use Stage 1 for weaning. Stage 1 is used by many parents until completely weaned off formula at around 1 year of age. Your baby might need just a little bit more formula since he was used to a slightly higher caloric intake with Stage 3, otherwise, Stage 1 will work. When he is transitioned to cow’s milk, it’s always good to keep a stash of formula around the house for the first year especially for travel.

  10. Toons says:


    I have a eight month old that eats like a champ. Sometimes it seems impossible to keep him full. I have been feeding him breastmilk and a variety of solids during the day and was nursing him (seemingly constantly) throughout the night. Our pediatrician recommended that we give him some formula at night to help him (and me) sleep better. After researching our options, it seems that Hipp is highly recommended. I have a couple of questions — based on what I’ve read and given his appetite, it seems as though he might be okay with Stage 3 right off. Would you agree? To be safe, I was thinking of placing a few orders of Stage 1 and Stage 3 in case the Stage 3 can’t be digested. Also, since I understand that there’s a bit of a lag time for delivery (as opposed to the 2 day option from amazon), I need to know how long a box will last. Finally, can you explain what your night formula has? Might that be a good option in my situation?

    Thanks so much.

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thank you for your note. Formula is almost always more filling than breastmilk, so your pediatrician’s recommendation makes a lot of sense. At eight months you can certainly use Stage 3, however keep in mind Stage 3 does not contain the DHA fish oils and is slightly higher in calories (which might make sense for him). Digestibility shouldn’t be an issue at his age and since he has been eating solids very well. You might try both and see which one works best–or start with 3 altogether. Shipping takes 3-5 days. There’s at least 24 hours for processing the order, shipping it overseas, and then another 6-8 hours to check quality control and dispatch it before it finally gets in the mail. Generally 4-5 days. A box will last your 8 month about a week.

      The Good Night Milk is HiPP’s baby formula combined with organic rice cereals. It’s a delicious formula, very creamy, but because of the cereals, you only want to use it once a day (as the can indicates). Parents will often use it as the last bottle before going to bed, and it does help with keeping your little one fuller during the deeper early night sleep.

  11. aly says:

    Stumbled across this site as was checking the frequency of feeds of stage 3.

    Having read a lot of the posts particularly questions relating to “do I go to stage 2 or 3”.
    Stage 2 should ONLY be used for hungrier babies and AFTER speaking with Dr or health visitor who will check their height/weight progress first.

    Stage 2 has a bulking agent in it and the average baby should NOT have this in their diet. Its is likely to make them constipated to. If your baby is draining the bottle on stage 1, then add an extra once. Let your baby dictate how much they want to drink, of what is healthy for them. A baby is designed through nature to tell you when he/she is full, if they keep pushing the bottle away they are full and shouldn’t be forced to keep drinking, even if there is 2oz left in bottle, if they are draining the bottle and looking for more then next feed make up a little bit more.

    I hope this is of help to some people.

    • HiPP USA says:

      Thank you for your comment. So to clarify, I’m taking you mean “adding an extra ounce” to mean, just feeding an additional ounce of formula mixed, but not to change the ratio. Baby formula is narrowly formulated to be nutritionally complete for infants as their sole source of food until they start eating.

      Stage 2 does not have any different primary ingredients than Stage 1. Rather, it is the ratio of the whey/protein as in the above panels that is modified. This makes babies fuller on the same amount of formula. Calorically, it is very similar to Stage 1, so it is unlikely that moving to Stage 2 would change an infant’s growth curve. We haven’t heard of any change to the gut on Hungry Infant (ie, constipation). I think that has more to do with what’s in the formula. Stage 2 is still a starch-free formula, still the same make-up as Stage 1 with a few modifications that would not result in a physical change to the digestive tract from Stage 1.

      There are many parents that use Stage 2 for supplementing nighttime feedings. But you have an excellent point recommending parents need to speak to their healthcare provider before moving to a Hungry Infant formula as the make up is less similar to breastmilk. Stage 1 is nutritionally complete until 1 year old, and in our minds, the best solution for babies for their formula feeding in general.

  12. Sandi says:

    I’m curious about the fish that is used for the DHA. I’ve read that DHA is not an essential nutrient and since our ocean water is highly contaminated, how do we know this is safe for our babies? I’m leaning towards Stage 3 as it contains no DHA but I only recently started giving my almost 6 month old baby organic oatmeal cereal once a day, would Stage 3 still be recommended? Thank you in advance.

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thank you for your message. DHA is actually a critical component of infant nutrition in the first six months. Two of the most common LCPs are the omega 3 LCP known as DHA, and the omega 6 LCP known as AA. Both DHA and AA are found in breastmilk and are added to HiPP Organic infant milks. In 2008 an international panel of scientific and pediatric experts concluded that, based on the latest scientific research, the addition of LCPs to infant formulas is recommended. HiPP’s manufacturing website has good information on this: AA and DHA are important components of the retina of the eye and of the brain and they are therefore of major importance during the visual and neurological development of young babies. AA and DHA can be made from other fats in the diet by babies, but the ability to do so is very limited in the first few months of life, so a dietary source of AA and DHA is desirable to ensure optimum nutrition and development in bottle fed babies in the first 4-6 months of life. You can read more on the matter on HiPP’s healthcare site.

      Please know that HiPP works with a network of 6,000 organic farmer (including organic fisheries) to obtain the raw material that is used in all of their products. If your little one is six months old, you could certainly use Stage 3 if you are concerned with the DHA, as babies at that age can make DHA from other fats in their diet.

  13. Brooke says:

    Hi there, my daughter is almost 6 months old and has been exclusively breastfed. My supply is dropping, so I purchased a box of First Infant Milk and would like to start giving her one bottle of formula a day. My baby has between 6.5-7.5 oz of breastmilk every 4 hours (I bottle feed her due to latch issues). I have a few questions! First, is there a particular time of day that you’d recommend I give her the one bottle of formula? Second question, on the preparation, I am a bit confused. If I were to use bottled Artesan purified water, does this eliminate the need to boil it first before mixing it with the powder? If I used room room temp purified water do I then heat the bottle in my bottle warmer? Lastly, if I were to make a 7oz bottle and she doesn’t drink it all, do I refridgerate it and heat it with the bottle warmer later when it’s ready to be used? Thank you in advance!

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thank you for the questions. So generally speaking, formula is more filling than breastmilk. Because of this you may find she is drinking less formula than breaskmilk during the day until she makes the adjustment. You can feed the formula at any time, but because it does tend to be a bit thicker, feeding it towards the evening may work well. All children are different so perhaps a bit of experimentation is needed to figure out what works best for her.

      Regarding the preparation, if you go to the top link PREPARATION, we have some details on why the UK mandates a label requiring boiled water–and why the US does not. Many parents do, in fact, use purified or ozmonized filtered water because it is a purer water. Using boiled water is not about the water but about the formula–so read the link about that one. If you mix the formula with room temperature water, you can heat the bottle in the warmer, of course, but this wouldn’t be the same as using boiled water. It’s critical to remember that your bottle and preparation area stay clean and sterilized, as contamination can come from a variety of sources besides the formula or water. If your baby is newborn and is premature, early-term, or otherwise health-compromised your doctor will probably recommend that you always use boiled water.

      Regarding the refrigeration, yes! You can certainly refrigerate and reheat formula that is freshly mixed. Scroll down to the bottom of our page on PREPARATION and you will find guidelines for refrigeration.

  14. Meredith says:

    My 3 month old son has been on HiPP Infant 1 (uk version) and I am having a hard time getting it in the US. LOVE love love the formula and how he is on it. My parents are in Germany & Belgium for the next week and keep finding HiPP Bio Combiotik 1 and want to bring me a suitcase full. What is the difference between the two and would it be ok to switch?

  15. Stefani says:

    Hi there,

    I love Hipp and have quite a success with stage 1 and 2. Since my daughter just turned one, I switched her to stage 3. I bought the German line of Hipp Stage 3 (12 months) and it seems to be thicker and harder to dissolve. I still find clumps in the bottle after shaking it up and mixing with a spoon. Do you have any tips and is this normal for stage 3 formula?

    Thank you,

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thanks for your question. The German formulation is a bit different in consistency, more granular, but in general the follow on and growing up milk will need more shaking to dissolve the formula. None of the HiPP formulas contain any artificial emulsifiers, which is why they dissolve differently than US formulas, however the protein ratio changes as you move up in the stages.

  16. Melinda says:

    I live in the US and have found a good website to order my hipp from. It is only $39.99 per box if you order at least 2 at a time. There is a max of 4 boxes per order, but they have free shipping so you can reorder at anytime! I had a package that was leaking formula before it was opened and they replaced it right away, no questions asked. I receive the formula within 4 days too! Just have to share!

  17. Rachael Cobb says:

    Just wondering what the documented instance of fish allergy has been in the first infant milk…. This is something I haven’t seen in American made formula ingredient list and am a little concerned at exposing baby for the first time. Any experience or advice.

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thanks for the post. Because fish oil is included in the formula, it must necessarily be listed as an allergen. An actual allergy to the fish oil would depend on the infant, primarily whether there is a family history of fish allergies, if the mom has a fish or shell allergy, and other health risks individual to the baby.

  18. Rebecca says:


    My twin daughters have been on HIPP combiotic first infant formula since day one. We are so happy we decided to go with HIPP over american options. The girls are now 5 months and one of them just can’t seem to get enough formula, hungry girl! We just started a little egg yolk followed by avacado and she is doing great but still not enough. I have read through all of the above questions and answers and it seems you would suggest the stage 3 but wanted to double check. I originally thought the “hungry infant” but now I am second guessing that. Please advise : )

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thanks for the post, and congrats on two beautiful twin babies! You can consider Hungry infant for your little hungry daughter. She is old enough for a change to the formula and you could think about just doing a few supplemental bottles of hungry throughout the day to see if she takes well to is and it keeps her fuller. Hungry is a bit thicker in consistency. The Follow On Milk (now the “Stage 2”) should really only be started after 6 months. It is also thicker, contains more iron, and no DHA oils. So if you wanted to wait a month, or do Hungry until she is 6 months and then make the switch, you can. There are many parents who will keep kids on Stage 1 and then supplement night feedings or breakfast feedings (or both) with the Follow On milk. It’s completely up to you!

  19. Milana says:

    I live in the U.S. And currently giving my 2 month old the PRE stage bio combiotik hipp formula as well as breastfeeding. I feel like it does not satisfy him because he is constantly hungry. I would like to know if it’s ok to give him the hipp hungry infant milk now instead of the pre?

    • HiPP USA says:

      Thank you for the question. You will want to start actually with Stage 1 Infant milk from the PRE version of Bio Combiotik. You may find that Stage 1 works very well. If your little one is needing too many feedings on Stage 1, you can consider Hungry Infant.

  20. KAREN says:

    What’s the difference between UK stage 1 (Combiotic First Infant Milk) and German stage 1 (HA Combiotik)?
    I’m planning to start supplementing middle of month 5. My supply is running low and I wanted to start one formula feeding per day. If I read everything correctly, I should start with Stage 1, correct?

    Thank you!!

    • HiPP USA says:

      Thank you for the question. The HA formula is a Hypo-Allergenic, for sensitive and sometimes low birth-rate babies. The milk proteins in this milk are broken down, predigested. You can use HA if you feel your baby may have a sensitivity to dairy or otherwise feel your baby will not do well on a standard infant milk. HiPP First Infant Stage 1 is very gentle, but for some babies, they need several months for their gut to adjust to even infant milk.

      At 5 months, yes you want to start with HiPP Stage 1. We generally recommend that regardless the age, you always start with Stage 1. Although after 6 months, Stage 2 Follow On is suitable, breastmilk is typically thinner than formula and Stage 1 is the easiest “first” transition to make from breastmilk to formula supplementation. Once your baby is adjusted and doing well on Stage 1, you can start using Follow On. Follow On does not contain DHA, but has a small increase in iron and is a bit thicker in terms of consistency. Both formulas are very compatible with each other, so should you want to try Follow On, you can use it for limited feeds (for example, nighttime feedings) until your baby adjusts.

  21. Elena says:


    I have a 5.5 months old and started supplementing with one bottle of Hipp stage 1 per day about a month ago. My son seems to be doing fine, except he started pooping so much more! Like it was when he was just a month old – several times a day. Which would not bother me much, except that I think his guts wake him up at night. Usually I hear formula makes babies sleep better, but in our case it seems the opposite. By the way, we give him formula around noon, he is not getting any solids yet and is breastfed during the rest of day and night.
    Did anyone else experience something similar? Is it an adjustment and should eventually go away?


    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thanks for your comment. Yes, this is something we hear of frequently. The prebiotic fibres in HiPP will cause more bowel movement, especially as you start supplementation. From your comment, it may help to supplement the nighttime feedings only with HiPP Hungry Infant formula, as this is a thicker consistency formula which has a higher caesin ratio to whey and will keep him fuller at night.

      In terms of better sleeping, babies are so incredibly diverse in this area. There is never one thing that helps. Formula can keep babies fuller if that is the cause of their waking, but often it is a variety of other issues, related to being away from mom, sleep patterns, the temperature of the room, noises, light–sleeping issues vary widely and requires a tremendous amount of patience on the part of parents in the first two years of infancy.

  22. akki says:

    I ordered the Hipp HA combiotik since my baby has dairy intolerance. its a German formulation and everything on the box is in german. is there anywhere i can find English translation for everything that is printed on that box other than actully doing online translation by typing everything.

  23. Heidi says:

    Could you kindly provide a description of HA Combiotik (Stage 2) and BIO (Stage 2)? These came in German packaging and I can’t tell what the differences might be. Thank you.

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thank you for your question. HiPP’s milk formulations are slightly different depending on country of export. If you could please send us by email a picture of your back panels, we can translate these for you.

  24. Lauren says:

    Hello! We had to start supplementing our 5 week old on formula and have been using the German version of Hipp (stage 1 Bio Combiotik). I had no idea there was a difference between the UK and German but the box definitely states BIO. My in-laws gifted us with a few boxes but we just realized it is the PRE stage. I am trying to find out the difference between the PRE and Stage 1. Want to know if it’s ok for our little guy to have it or not.
    And last, I know you are not a Dr and cant recommend something like this but i just want your thoughts/opinion: I thought the German formula had the pre/probiotics but after reading the thread and seeing that it doesnt could we supplement a probiotic for infants? Again I know you are not a Dr but you seem to be very knowledgeable about Hipp and our Dr has never heard of it.

    Thank you for taking the time to share all of this information with everyone!

    • HiPP USA says:

      HI, thank you for your questions. Bio does mean “organic” as written on the German boxes. The difference between the PRE stage and Stage 1 in the German formulations is that PRE does not contain starch solids, whereas the rest of the German line from Stage 1 on does contain starch. HiPP feels that starch can make the milk creamier and give a higher satiation (fullness) for babies, however not everyone wants to introduce starch into their babies diets before weaning as starch requires an enzyme for its breakdown that is minimally present in very small infants (humans were actually designed to eat breastmilk in early life). So, PRE is a good formula if you do not want the starch and are using the German line.

      The German formulas do not necessarily have the pre/probiotics. The boxes that say “Combiotik” do, but the “Bio” boxes do not. So yes, you could consider probiotic supplementation if you are using the Bio formula. Indeed, you will want to ask your doctor about how to do this and if he feels its necessary. Thank you for your questions! I hope this makes things more clear!

  25. Amy Schamberg says:

    I am in the process of weaning my 7.5 month old. I tried feeding him the Combiotic First Infant Milk, but he prefers breast milk so I am mixing bottles 1/2 & 1/2, and will slowly transition to full formula. I’m guessing he will be 8 months old when the transition is complete. I thought that after that, I should give him Stage 2-? I ordered two boxes, but when they arrived I realized they are the German kind- Bio Combiotik. After reading all of the above comments I am not sure if I should give him this formula next. Does this German kind have the pre or probiotics in it? Does this have the starch in it that the UK version does not? Do you think I should buy another box or two of the UK first infant milk to give to him before giving the German stage 2?? Prior to ordering I did not realize there was a difference between the UK and German HiPP’s. Thanks so much.

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thank you for the question. Well, the UK and the German formulas are different. They have different ingredients and a different consistency. Both are good and it really depends on what you prefer. The Bio Combiotik contains a friendly bacteria called L Fermentum, but also contains starch. Your son is past the age for eating foods and so introducing starch into his diet shouldn’t be an issue. The question scientifically has only really surrounded very young infants, as starch digestion requires an enzyme that is not highly available at birth in babies (and thus, the concern regarding whether triggering the production of this enzyme early is good for the body or not–humans were really intended to eat breastmilk in the first months of life). But starch can make the milk creamier and make babies fuller so many formulas have introduced it. You’re at a point where this issue may not matter to you. The best thing to do is see how your baby is doing, and go with the formula that works best for him individually.

  26. Sara says:


    I have a 5 month old, born at 24 weeks and what we call 6 weeks corrected (or six weeks past his original due date but actually 5 months old). He had a long hospital stay and I exclusively pumped until September – then the hospital started him on Similac NeoSure and fortified up to 28 calories because at the time, it was critical he gain weight. He was born 1 lb 12 ounces but is almost 11 lbs today, we are so proud! He’s home from the hospital and doing great, but I’m beginning to question his tolerance of the Neosure – he has pretty awful reflux including spitup and hunches over, cries after some feeds, but he loves to eat. I am outraged by the chemicals I’m just now learning are in Neosure and want to give him a better product – would you recommend Stage 3 for him? I know you like to start infants at Stage 1, but he’s already had some pretty high-test formula and off breastmilk for awhile. Our doctors are focused on weight gain and he takes a multivitamin with iron so I’m thinking Stage 3 will get us the most bang for our buck. Thank you so much!! I’m really looking forward to trying this product and hoping it makes eating more enjoyable for my little man!

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thanks for your question. Well, Neosure may be a bit too thin for him now since it is designed for extremely sensitive digestive systems that cannot take the thickness of regular formula. At the same time, thin formulas can cause some reflux so it may be he is ready to move on. Of course, yes, the recommendation is always to try Stage 1. Hungry Infant is quite a bit thicker than Stage 1, so unless he is still experiencing reflux or unsatiated on Stage 1, you wouldn’t want to switch. Switching from Neosure to Stage 1 is going to make a difference already in his satiation. Perhaps talk to your doctor and get some answers about why he is still on Neosure, and if there’s really no imperative reason, consider moving to HiPP. If the doctor feels he is still not ready for a regular infant milk, you could consider HiPP HA, which contains predigested milk proteins, but also contains starch which keeps babies fuller when they need to take a specialty formula.

  27. Ashley Burns says:

    Hello. My baby is currently 5 months using HIPP combiotic. Is HIPP pre combiotic suitable for babies up to a year? I wanted to introduce the friendly bacteria to her.

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thank you. Yes, PRE can be used from birth onwards but please keep in mind it does not contain the iron (1mg) that you might want in a milk at this age. However, once your baby starts eating, you can ensure her weaning diet contains foods high in iron (ie, eggs, sweet potatoes, etc). PRE is excellent for very small infants as it doesn’t contain starch, but after she starts eating that might not matter and you could certainly graduate to Stage 1 of the German line which will still contain the friendly bacteria.

  28. Muyi Yang says:

    Hi. I am using Stage 1 now, what should I get for my baby after he turns 1 year? I don’t want to give him cow milk so would like to know what’s the best for babies over one year old?

    • HiPP USA says:

      Thank you for your question. At 1 year old, you can begin using Stage 3 Growing Up Milk, which is HiPP’s toddler milk. It’s an excellent quality milk that will also help with transitional constipation if you ever do choose to use cow’s milk. HiPP Stage 3 contains all the vitamineral content for todlers from 12 months up to 24 months old.

  29. Preeti says:

    My daughter is one and has been using stage 2 milk from 8 months onwards. We would like to transition her to stage 3. She has been drinking 20-22 ounces of stage 2 per day along with her 3-4 meals per day. My question is how much of stage 3 should she be drinking per day along with her 3-4 meals per day?

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thank you for your question. Your daughter is still small enough to allow feeding by demand, however you can ask your pediatrician for advisement if you feel she is drinking too little or too much.

  30. Manha says:

    Hello, I have a question. My baby is 6 month old and I love your product. I started her with HIPP pre HA AND now after 6 months started HIPP HA 1. My question is that there is a similar product with name HIPP bio combiotik 1. so I’m confused that what’s the difference between HA 1 combiotik and Bio 1 combiotik. plz help in this regard

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thanks for the good question. HiPP HA is HiPP’s Hypo-Allergenic formula, and it is very different than regular HiPP. HA is intended for babies with milk protein sensitivities. It contains broken down hydrolized milk proteins for easier digestion. It is only suitable if your doctor has indicated that your infant has a milk sensitivity. Most infants who start on an HA formula will be able to come off it around 5-6 months (although not all) as this sensitivity diminishes, and can then move to the regular formula. HiPP Bio is the German formulation of HiPP, suitable for infants without any sensitivity issues, from birth onwards. Keep in mind that the German line of the product contains starch, and there is some scientific debate over how well infants digest starch in the early months of life. The closest formula to breastmilk is HiPP’s British line, which contains no starch solids.

  31. Coa says:

    Hi, Happy New Year! My baby girl was on breast milk for a full month and we started formula bottle(first infant milk) only at night from second month onwards. At 7 months we changed her formula to hungry infant milk. She is still doing great on it with a bottle before bedtime and sleeping through the night. I am wondering shall I be switching her to follow on milk or wait till she is one year old? Her stools are no as soft as before but I believe that is due to her solid food intake. She is 9 months old today. Thank you!

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thank you so much for the update! It sounds like HiPP is working out wonderfully for your little one. Yes, since you are on Hungry, it would be good to transition to Follow On milk at any time you feel comfortable for the added iron. She should easily be able to make this transition from Hungry and the mineral content will be most suited for her age. You can continue using Stage 2 up until and after 1 year old as you slowly transition to whole milk.

  32. Mirjeta says:

    Does the Hungry Infant Milk contains soy or soy based products?

    Thank you.

  33. Jessica says:

    My baby boy is 8 months old now. I’ve transitioned him to half breast milk and half formula (Hipp Stage 1) since 6 months (he has also been eating solids). He is not a big eater and so stage 1 does no problem satisfying him through the night. My question is would it be suitable to switch him to Hipp stage 2 because I saw it has a higher calorie intake and since his weight is on the low end (8%) I want to give him a little more boost while feeding him the same amount of formula. Thank you!

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thanks for the question. Stage 2 is only slightly higher in caloric value, and so this will not make a substantial change in his intake. It is a thicker formula and it has added iron, so if you are wanting to switch, try only a few feedings first to see how he does. What you can do is look into the Good Night Milk as a night time or breakfast supplement for him. This milk (to be used only once a day after 6 months) has added rice cereals, but without clogging the bottle nipples. It’s a very satisfying milk, thick and creamy, and has extra calories. This may help you. Otherwise, good old fashioned cottage cheese can really boost both calorie and protein levels if he is able to eat it.

  34. Misty says:

    Hi, my son is 20 month-old & has been drink Hipp milk since 3 month-old. He’s still being breastfed every night. Currently we are giving him growing up milk (either no. 3 or no. 4, depending on the batch imported). Recently, we had bought no. 3 follow on milk for 6 months onwards by mistake. May I know if this is suitable for 20 month-old as I know that there are difference in nutrients between follow on & growing up milk? Thanks.

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, the manufacturer will always recommend that you use the product suitable for the age of your infant. However, since your infant is past the weaning phase and obtaining most of his dietary nutrition from foods, it should not be a problem to use the box of Follow On you purchased.

  35. Melinda says:


    My daughter will be a year old in 13 days. I just ran out of her hipp stage 1 milk. I thought I bought enough supply for the month and had also purchased 2 boxes of growing up milk to switch to after her birthday. Is it safe to go ahead and start the growing up milk?

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thanks for your comment. Each different stage of formula contains the right amount of vitaminerals suitable for your baby’s diet at a specific age. The manufacturer recommends that you start Growing Up at 1 year for this reason. Babies develop at different speeds however, so use your best judgment. Remember that it is always advisable to transition slowly to a new formula so you can be sure the new formula works well for her. You may want to pick up another box of HiPP 1 just in case she needs the transitional time past age 1. Many parents will use Growing Up Milk as a supplement to transitioning to whole milk because of constipation issues up until 2 years old. Young children, even beyond 2-3 years, are still developing their digestive enzymes and intestinal flora to process our foods.

  36. Melissa Bedoya says:

    Hello I have a 6 week old that eats like a champ! He’s eating 5 oz of breastmilk during the day and 5 oz of formula at night. Sometimes he isn’t satisfied with just the 5 oz so I end up giving him more but he spits it up. He also has acid reflux. What stage do you recommend I get? How many ounces are in the box? He’s currently on Similac Sensitive.

    Thank you!

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thanks for your message. Often an acid reflux reaction is caused in infants by a liquid being too thin for them. At 6 weeks, if this is his only issue and after you have discussed the change with your pediatrician being sure he is not reacting to an ingredient in the formula, you can either try the Hungry Infant (which will be thicker in consistency than First Infant) or you can try HiPP AR which is designed for acid reflux. Sometimes babies can be extra sensitive to the ingredients in the formula itself, so you may want to see if switching to the HiPP brand will eliminate this completely without needing a specialized product. Many parents are surprised at the gentleness of organic formula and many infants will throw up Similac but not HiPP. As others will tell you, it is a bit of trial and error to find what works for each individual infant. Remember to slowly switch the bottles with any formula change (read our article on transitional bottles).

  37. Lucy says:

    hi there ,
    i am currently 37 weeks pregnant and due on June 1st 2016, i have a an urgent question in regard of the Hipp Organic Combiotic Stage 1(UK) for new born vs Hipp Organic Combiotik Stage 1 (germany) o Pre stage for new born infant, since i am unlikely to be able to breastfeed at all due to medical issues .

    I currently live in Hongkong and we have both the german and the UK version (more accessible compare to the german version) here, i just really need to find out which one is the best for my new born baby as a complete breastmilk substitute?
    Which one is safer for a newborn baby from day one and is it true that both the UK & german version now have prebiotic/probiotic and DHA? does the UK version also have starch in stage 1 ?
    please help, thank you very much !

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thank you for your message. The difference between the German formulation and the British formulation is two-fold. The German formula contains prebiotic fibres as well as a probiotic called L. Fermentum. The British formula contains prebiotic fibres but the L. Fermentum was not approved by the British Health Department to be included in the milk–clinical trials are still continuing and it will possibly be added soon. The British formula also contains no starch fillers, whereas the German formula does contain corn starch. Many parents do not choose to introduce starch earlier than 4 months as the human body does not produce a large amount of the enzyme needed to process it before 4 months. You will find that the British formula, therefore, will dissolve more readily and is easier to mix. Both of the formulas will contain the necessary amount of DHA you will want, and remember, there is good evidence that DHA is very health for your baby up to 4 months of age.

  38. Dayana says:

    My son is 1 and he’s drinking the hipp formula from age 1 and onward
    Should I not give him the formula anymore? Does it have all the nutritional facts a baby his age needs or I would have to switch him to homo milk

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thanks for the comment. This is something really to broach with your pediatrician, as it will really depend on your individual child whether your doctor will recommend continuing a toddler milk. Many parents will continue with a toddler milk past the age of 1 to alleviate the constipation that arises when you switch to whole cow’s milk from formula–as well as for the added minerals and vitamin. Since most all children vitamins have a minimum age of 2, parents will opt to supplement some feedings with a toddler milk for age 1-2. But keep in mind, this is a period to start having your little one eat more and drink less milk. The timing around that and how you would like to do that will depend on what your doctor says based on your child’s growth curve and overall health.

  39. Sarah says:

    Hi! My son is 5 months old and currently drinking HIPP combiotic 1… He is taking about 30oz a day. Once he turns 6 months we will be given the OK to start solids. I am wondering when it is appropriate to start HIPP 2 follow on milk?… I’m concerned about the low iron content in HIPP 1, not sure if this is a big deal or a sole reason for switching?

    Also, do you have the whey to Casien ratio for follow on milk?

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thanks for your message. First Infant is not low in iron content in terms of the European standards (as well as the World Health Organization), however the US health department has mandated an increased iron content for all US manufacturers beyond this (double the rest of the Western countries). The US delivers many more babies via C-Section and vagial births without delayed cord clamping (delayed cord clamping has been shown by the WHO to improve iron stores in infants), so this is possibly a reason. As always your doctor, who knows your individual infant’s history and needs is the first person to advise you in this. The iron salt in infant formulas can be difficult to digest, and at 6 months during weaning infants are more equipped to absorb more iron as their preterm iron stores deplete. Stage 2 Follow On will contain more iron and can be a great formula if you feel your infant isn’t getting the iron needed from weaning. You can try and see how he does by supplementing just a few feedings out of the day on Follow On and slowly making the transition. This is typically what parents will do to make a switch completely to Stage 2. Not all infants are ready for Stage 2 at 6 months as it can be thicker in consistency but you can do the transition slowly.

  40. Kat says:

    I asked our doctor if I really need to change to stage 2 (follow on milk) and he said it’s not that necessary, and perhaps best not to change too many things – since we’ve just started solids. My baby is 6m and we’ve only just started solids but we are following the baby-led weaning approach, with some spoon fed cereal.
    Realising that the follow on milk has more iron, is it actually best that we switch? She’s also in the 86th percentile so not really needing any extra calories, but she does wake a lot at night. I should point out that she gets maybe 2-3 bottles of formula a day, otherwise breastfed.

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, the added iron for infants at 6 months can be good if your infant is not getting iron in the weaning diet. If she is, then she is receiving a more bioavailable iron than what an infant formula can provide her. So your instinct is right, First Infant is still the right formula unless you feel that she is not receiving any iron-rich foods in her new weaning diet.

  41. Natalie Ardisson says:

    Hi-I have a 5 month old that has been exclusively breastfed. She has a milk protein allergy. Is your HA line safe for her? And should I start her with the Pre or stage One. Also, do you HA formulas contain soy? Thanks.

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thanks for your message. The HA Hypoallergenic formulas are made for children with a milk protein sensitivity, not necessarily a true allergy. For severely allergic children, elemental formulas may work better. In tandem with your pediatrician, you can see if trying an HA formula is the right “next step.” PRE is the most gentle of the formulas, without starch of any kind, so that may be the right HA for you if you are concerned with allergies. HA formulas are safe and appropriate for the infants they were designed for. All but a small subset of infants truly need an elemental formula, however you will only know which formula she needs with the aid of your healthcare provider. You can take the ingredients list to your doctor and see if this is right for her.

  42. Janna says:

    Hello, I am an English speaking expat living in Germany with a limited understanding of German – so I’m having a bit of trouble with the German Hipp page and thought I would ask here. I am supplementing my 6 week old twins with formula due to my supply of breastmilk not being enough. I was just wondering the difference of the Germany formulation of Hipp Bio vs Hipp Bio combiotic vs Hipp hypoallergenic combiotic?

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hello, thank you for your message. The HiPP Combiotik is a special formula which contains a symbiotic friendly bacteria called L. Fermentum. HiPP Bio will not contain this probiotic. HiPP Hypoallergenic has been designed as a partially hydrolyzed protein formula for infants with milk sensitivity.

  43. Karen says:

    I have a 6 month old that exclusively drinks breast milk and has about 5 ounces a bottle. We just started rice cereal a few weeks ago and will continue with that until he eats better. I would like to start mixing my milk with formula to stretch out my supply through twelve months if I can. My question is which formula should I start with? Stage 1 or 2?

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hello, we always recommend starting with Stage 1 when switching from breastmilk as it is the thinnest of the formulas and easiest to digest.

  44. Summer Rottinger says:

    Hello, I have a six week old exclusively breastfed baby. He has struggled with discomfort from birth, and is on reflux medicine. I’m on a soy and dairy free diet but none of this is helping. The pediatrician has recommended hypoallergenic formula but I’m hoping for something with fewer additives and organic. What product would you recommend and how much do I need? Baby is 10 lbs.

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thank you for the message. Unfortunately, if your pediatrician is recommending an HA formula, there is an indication that your baby has a milk sensitivity. HA formulas are very easy for the body to digest and pass through, and it may be your solution until your infant is a little older and can outgrow the sensitivity. HiPP HA PRE is an excellent, partially hydrolyzed formula that may work for your little one. If HiPP HA is too difficult, then Similac produces a fully hydrolyzed formula that tends to be the next step.

      Keep in mind that milk allergies can be tested for, and so it may be useful to request this of your doctor if you feel strongly that you want to use a less processed formula for the first year of your baby’s feeding.

  45. Charles H Dougherty says:

    I love everything I see about Hipp formula except why skimmed milk?

    • HiPP USA says:

      Hi, thanks for your message. The actual milk in infant formula is altered to resemble breastmilk. United Nations regulations as well as the laws of each country’s respective Health Department require specific ratios of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to be consistently manufactured in infant formulas and so, among other reasons, using a skimmed milk base has become an industry standard.

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